a.k.a ninong/nonis christian coke lover coffee lover "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " -philippians 3:12-14 Twitter SAY SAY SAY
NOW PLAYING LINKS Sprouting seeds - ben & my reflections/thoughts Photoshoppers Font Shopping Web Comic i like! Utterly Cool DIY stuff! Christian Guitar Resource John Piper's Christian Resources Animation lessons Rmit a cool blog with character designs from various artists cool blog from a disney 2d animator High end 3d Animation Meat Film/animation making sketching for visualisation and communication ARCHIVES
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learning to many new things, too much assignments. just being a whinebutt. due coming week sound design - designing a soundtrack with sound effects for our allocated video clips mastering communications group assignment storyboarding - fully completed, accompanied by sample paintings of scenes stop motion progress - Papercut animation leh! @#%%&! Shake assignment in progress. and the following week... stop motion progress Shake assignment completed - papercut animation! $#^^%#&&%* Mechatronic CA project completed VME !!!! and i'm sure more work will be given out after i attend this week's class -.- BOOOO!!!!!!!!!! i hate semester 2s! Bob Kauflin is a really good teacher with regards to worship. His teachings include many questions that many many many worship leaders have probably asked before, and he offers very clear, biblical ways to go about worship - from God's point of view. He also teaches on the struggles of being in the ministry and offers wise advice for that. He has also published a book, 'Worship Matters', which i'm sure it will be great! Do check out his messages on youtube! Thank God for Youtube and many wise ministers!!!! Labels: ministry Hmm, i do have sec school besties! hahaha! T-T Was over at Ning's house for CNY celebration. Shin came to pick me up with her boyfren! The 2nd one's ning, 3rd one's Shin and jin's the last :) err, photo abit outdated! i like spending time with them :) Abstract, organic combined is the phrase i dont like! T-T Clay- animation stop mo assignment is metamorphosis - but nothing too literal, best if it's organic, as if the clay is alive -.- hurhurhur. Ben is so good to me !!! He lent me his tripod, DSLR, and he even drove over at 12.19am to pass me the battery charger becos the battery went out, so i can finish my assignment by tonight -.- *very touched T=T 1st assignment, 2 week period, was to design a character cast, and a storyline revolving around the cast. Teams of 3, 3 characters. Required to submit
This is the character i'm doing! She's called Fluffy, a loyal pet to our angsty Protagonist. haha. Thank God for a good group! :D i enjoyed the assignment quite a bit! Labels: work Chee Kwee is really so wise... This week was really busy, but God was so real that i am so amazed!!!!! within 4 days He answered many prayers and questions! Sunday night: was down with high fever, suddenly, couldnt move much -.- anyways, rushed to the doctor after 1030pm. Doc said i caught some virus, and anyways to cut the long story short - ben prayed with me, (sylvia prayed with me in the evening) and then the next morning, i woke up totally fine, even though i had mc for 2 days! like i was never sick before! Ben and I were both so stunned. And i was thankful that i could go for my lessons becos i would miss alot, and missing class in ADM is just so troublesome and disadvantageous. Tuesday: Audrey called me for tuition, and that solved my financial issues, which was really good... :D Wednesday: Met B for lunch at Seoul Garden @ taka in the afternoon, and went ArtFriend to get clay for stop motion class. Stop motion assignment gave me muscleaches! Thursday: Had to get my Shake assignment done, but i dont have access to the lab. Had already planned to stay overnight to do the assignment, but i prayed that God would provide someone to open the lab door for me outside the door, and sure enough, the cleaner was there, and he opened the lab door for me! and i finished that particular assignment in 1 hour surprisingly, and i was already late for my Art history lecture, so i rushed over, to find out that the lecture started late, so i didnt miss out much! :D And in the end, i didnt have to stay overnight in school, but i did have to stay at Ben's until 12am to finish my stop motion assignment to hand up tomoro. Friday: Woke up crazy early to take a train to school ( by now i have been so spoilt by travelling by ben's car! haha ) anyways, cut the long story short, i prayed really hard, and managed to apply for academic overload this sem! Was very frightening, i even had to go to Russell's office personally to get him to sign my application papers but amazingly it got done really fast! So i'm very amazed! God also answered my question about prayer, and also made many lessons clear to me. For now, He's telling me to love Jesus, not just in gratitude, but deep deep, true true love! And it's getting enjoyable :) Today we had the privilege of Pastor Del Augusta, who has a very prophetic ministry, visit us. It was such a great meeting! Prophecies released were so accurate, that all of us were so amazed! His prophecies over me were even related to my course in ADM, financial difficulties even though he doesnt know me!!!! Am looking forward to what He holds for my future in the church and workplace!!! He also imparted, and activated and prophecied over us, so that even after he leaves for U.S. we will be able to continue to use gifts of prophecy, intercession and all to build up the church. And it is really exciting what God is doing in ChurchAlive! B and I were talking about God's plans, and how in His very loving and wise ways, He really works for the good of those who love Him. very tired now, but at the same time very excited! Pastor Del is coming for the prayer meeting this wednesday 7pm - if you're interested, do join us! Labels: testimonies i can finally wrap up my year! haha!
I dont remember concretely everything that happened but for now what i can say with regards to school is: I DIDNT LIKE YEAR1 SEM2! that's all i remember haha. I LOVE MAJOR YEAR!!!! it's crazy hectic and busy, but i'm glad that i'm busy happy.Happy to know (and get along with) more animation ppl - we are generally the same. very pia, but very nua. hahah. But at the same time i don't wish to go crazy doing so much work that i get my priorities wrong, so i'm humbled and thankful that God has been with me, taking care and sustaining me. Without Him i really can't do it! When Pastor Elaine came (before Sem 2 started), she told me that God will take care of my schedule and my school if i continue to abide in Him. And it was surely true! It's been my busiest school term, but it was the term that i could rest in Him and find all i need in Him the most. Am very thankful for my results also, surprising it's my best so far! wakakaka! AND BEN IS IN NTU! it really is a blessing, becos he is always there to listen to my frustations of school and he always sends me back home, that saves me transport fees and time.. and of course it is nice that he is just around to eat lunch, study or nua together! He's been diligently downloading animation software for me so i dont have to travel to school to work, and even set up something like a lightbox in his house for me! T-T thanks boyfriend! :D When i was in cambodia for dec, i left Ben to help me with my subject registration, and of course i prayed very hard!! (becos he was new to the system). and amazingly, he managed to get all my first choices leh, my IDEAL timetable. I couldnt even get my ideal timetable last sem leh. haha. and thanks so much for Lav who helped Ben and I when i was overseas! Ya so for me that was very WOW. haha. Also for this year, i feel that i have been blessed with the fellowship and love of people like the Americans, Brazilians, Pastor Elaine, Pastor Elijah, other missionaries, Paul, Stephen Yong, Cynthia, Janet, Lala and the rest of the church members. They always pray for us - they pray for me, and they come to me with words or smses that they have heard while praying for me, even when i didnt ask for it! And it always encourages me and helps me when i am feeling tired.. and we can just sit down and talk to each other about the great things that He is doing in our lives, every week also can leh! We pray for each other no matter how far apart we are and we see how God worked amazingly... In many senses i feel that this year, especially, i am part of this very big Church... God has also taught me to trust Him with regards to mission trips - financial issues and all, i know that as long as i am willing to go anywhere for Him, He will supply the money and all that i need. He also taught me to trust that He hears and answers prayers - that really strengthened my faith. -- not a resolution person - perhaps the only resolution is to learn the Khmer language and hopefully be fluent in it the next time i leave! Prayers for now? For intimacy with Christ, to see Him as my treasure and love Him more, to be more loving rather than judgemental, and for my faith to bear lots of good fruits ! :D During the time that i was working, i had the privilege of following Kati to one of the slums in Phhom Penh. Kati is learning mid-wifery, and she wants to be a mid-wife in Cambodia after she comes back from her studies in the States . Neeways, she helps out with this lady called Twannette (i really dont know where she is from, but she has a very funny and distinct accent). She had been doing what she does for a long time - 6 years in Philippines, and also in JB and now Cambodia. In the small church in the slums, a small room is set aside for her. She checks up on pregnant mothers to ensure that their bodies are well, and takes blood tests and gives them free vitamins and supplements according to the blood tests. She also tell them the expected due dates for the baby and we listen to the heartbeats of the babies together! Other than that, she also conduct health talks - like HIV prevention, infectious diseases and so on.. kids welcoming us at the church There was this one mother who was already going to give birth soon; her tummy was really huge! and during the checkup, we found out that the baby was in the wrong position. She advised the lady on the necessary procedures. She also lovingly said that we will pray for her baby to turn back the right way, even though that lady was not a Christian, as it was something that only God could do. After i came back, i heard the good news that Twannette had given the lady money to do an ultrasound, and the baby turned back! It's great news! :D Also throughout the trip i have met many many missionaries from all over the world serving humbly in Cambodia, and it's really great. I've heard that they go through so much difficulties - heartwrenching ones like betrayal from loved ones, financial crisis, deaths in the family, and much more, and yet they still serve and believe and trust in Jesus. It's wonderful! Labels: missions This mission trip took 6 days - of which we ministered in the Bykota house, went to the province Takeo, and took a tour of New Life Fellowship Church. Steve Nicaud joined us unexpectedly as a replacement for David because David was stuck in America. But it was amazing how God opened new doors and how He touched and renewed the hearts of many missionaries in Cambodia also. so here we go! Day 1 the team arrived early in the morning in Phnom Penh! but they were too tired so they rested in the hotel till the afternoon, after lunch! While me, Kati , Danny and Madeline went to buy groceries for the province trip, we dropped by the hotel for a surprise visit! hehe then Dad, Kati and me went over to pick up the team, and when they reached the kids were asking me "who your boyfriend?" . HA HA HA! We dropped our suitcases at the Benz's house because we were going to the province tomoro, and we packed a harversack for convenience. While Paul and Steven ministered to the entire staff as well as the Benz family on the 2nd floor , the rest of the team did a children's program! :D The kids' first lesson was on footprints, and after a very short skit they made crafts tracing their own feet :D The kids and i brought the Singapore team over to the Bykota house to let them show them around! At 5pm, we got ready for dinner, brought the dinner table into the courtyard and set the dishes and all! Ate in the courtyard in a big circle! :D Then we went back,debriefed, and then got ready to go to the village early in the morning! T-T Day 2 took a 2 hour plus bumpy ride to the province Tungkea, village Takeo. Had to make a pitstop for toilet break. HA HA HA. and i managed to converse with the villagers abit! :D and they told me God bless me :) after that we continued on the journey, and finally we reached Takeo! :D by the time it was already meal time- and we were to have lunch. During our trip last year, one of our members had diarhorrea for 2 full days after eating the food . So we prayed that the food will be ok in our bodies. haha. The meat was very mysterious and sticky (YIKES!) but it was ok............ haha after that, Steve and Paul ministered to the church leaders, Danny translated their sermon into Khmer, and the rest of us were either digging big holes (that was our assignment from the village chief hehe, so that they could grow trees from the big holes), or doing church programs. It was hard for us singaporeans to communicate with the village kids, becos they dont speak english at all, so thank God that Kati was there to do the children's programs. :D our Khmer were not fluent enough, so we can only play and use BODY LANGUAGE hahah:D but it was very fun, the kids are really adorable... that took a long while, and before long, it was dinner! The days end very early in the village, because there's no electricity around.. Sleeping on the church floor at night in a sleeping bag was horrible! manymanymanymanymany insects, and it was too hard to sleep -.- we barely caught much sleep on the first night.... Day 3 The next day, Steve shared a devotion with the team, and prayed for us. After that we practised a short skit about Zechaeus who tried to climb unto the tree to see Jesus. Then it was the Christmas service- in Cambodia, they could celebrate Christmas day whichever they wanted- we worshipped together, and then the villagers put up performances and all.. Honfis, our translator, gave his testimony ...after we put up the skit, Paul preached, and after that we all prayed for each of the villagers who came up for prayer. We had lunch, and then we split into 2 groups and went door to door to visit the villagers and prayed for their needs, if they were opened to Christians praying for them. Last year when we went, we prayed for a house that was haunted, got rid of the altars and we were happy to know that as we came this time, the house was no longer haunted and the couple could move back in to stay in their house :D Many villagers were sick - there was an elderly lady who had very bad leg pains and she couldnt move much. We prayed for her... there was also a lady who had broken her neck from a motor accident and she had to lie on her wooden bed all the time. We thank God for such a golden opportunity - God opened his heart and he was opened to us sharing the Gospel with him... even though he didnt accept Christ in the end, we were very happy that we could plant seeds into his heart and be confident that God will surely grow them! lovely kids! they remember we came last year! From Steve's team, we were elated to hear that one woman accepted Christ! :D --- On our way back to the village, we passed by a Khmer wedding! very Malay-ish, very bright and celebrative colors! :D we also passed by a cactus that was 2 storeys tall!!! We had an early dinner and then headed back to Benz's to pick out our luggage and back to the hotel! it was already very dark and late! Enjoyed a long shower and a comfy bed for the night -.- Janet, Kewei, me and ben went over to the petrol kiosk to buy snacks and we ate icecream! wakakka! Day 4 The next day we went over and Paul and Steve had a meeting with the staff again, this time with other visitors , while we did our 2nd lesson! i tink that the team was so brilliant in planning this lesson! It was about how we can talk to God, and they taught the "Did you ever talk to God" song, and then we made the primitive cup-to-cup telephone! the kids loved it! but they very funny, they would speak so loud that it doesnt matter if they had the phone or not. HEH. In the meantime, Darren and Ben worked hard on servicing the computers in the house - most of them, used for educational purposes, were spoilt. The quiet laborers... After that we had a combined worship and ministry time for the kids as well as the staff and visitors. And it was amazing that God brought a Mexican couple over! While Paul preached, Kati translated in Khmer and Steve translated in Spanish. It was quite funny actually. But God spoke to this Mexican couple through Paul, and they were so lifted up after that! It turned out that they had been having a really hard time serving in Cambodia because they could not speak in Khmer or English, and other troubles they were facing. But God's word lifted them up, and only He can do it! :D God also spoke to many of the kids, and the staff - we also prayed for the kids who were sick - with HepB and other diseases. When i told Steve that one of the kids that came up to him wanted to pray for his HepB, Steve said he had it before and God took it away, so with that same faith he prayed for the kid :) After that, the kids went home while we fellowshipped with the visitors - Steve really loved the Mexican couple, (he used to minister in Mexico also) and it was great that he could be there to bless them and work with them in a way that the Singapore team can't.. In fact, he loved them so much and he shares his heart with so much of their troubles that he went back to Cambodia on the 12th Jan( after we landed on singapore on the 31st dec) , with his family this time, so that his wife could cook traditional Mexican food for them and that they can fellowship together... After that, we went home, had a debrief, some of us gathered to pray for others ,and then we slept! :D Day 5 Woke up early for breakfast, then we headed to the kiosk to buy 66US worth of biscuits and soymilk. we had 6 bags full of stuff!!!! Our next destination was to the rubbish dump! It is a gigantic place! at least 6 football fields wide, all filled with rubbish - people live there and scrape through the rubbish for food, and also things that they can sell off. Must bring tiger balm there for your nose, very smelly! Last few years when we went, we could only distribute food in the same manner, and go back. 30minutes trip, 15 minutes to distribute the food and then back home, so this time i really prayed that God will open a new door for us to work there and minister to the ppl... Neeways , while we were walking to the rubbish dump and distributing biscuits one by one, things started getting chaotic as the crowds starting mobbing and snatching and tearing our plastic bags. It was very very scary! we were very scared -.- and after all our food were gone( within 10minutes ) we were frightened and at a lost of what to do. Steve and Paul decided that we should go and pray for some of the people there, if there are any one who was sick or needed prayer... that was really a problem for us becos we really couldnt speak in Khmer. Steve talked to this lady and she told us ( Danielle translated) that she does go to church and we could pray for her and her little boy, for his studies.. in the meantime, there were other men laughing at us and insulting the Americans who were speaking Khmer. We couldnt go on farther, so we decided to head home. It was quite sad that we couldnt do more. ppl setting up shelters among the rubbish that's how high the rubbish was! higher than a monster truck! this monster truck pulled up beside us and emptied its juices. Yikes! praying for the lady and her kid But while we were on the van heading out, we caught sight of a young blonde teenager playing with some of the kids from the rubbish dump! i told Paul to stop the van, and was very convinced that God had opened this door for us, becos in 4 years, we had never seen any other ppl here! Me and Danny went up to the guy, and we found out that there was a school in the rubbish dump! and out from the gates ran cute little cambodians! they came and brought us in - i guess we were gone for too long- the rest of the team left the van and came to look for us also haha. We talked to the person-in-charge and got some necessary contacts for us to distribute food and teach in that school next time. and we also played many games with the children! they could speak some english :) a great vision! visit the webbie @ kids that came out to say hello! playin games the classroom While we were talking to this Australian boy Luke - we talked abit and we realised that we are all christians and we were really excited haha. Guess what? He's from Salvation Army! He finished college and came to help out in the school with his girlfriend, and was considering being a missionary. With regards to missions- Steve Nicaud would be the best person to talk to cos he chairs a missionary school, and is a very anointed and experienced missionary! after staying there for awhile, we rushed back to the hotel to clean up - our clothes, hair, and shoes stinked of dung and rubbish and after that we went to New Life Fellowship for a tour of their ministry. Wow they are doing so much in Cambodia! They host computer vocational training for anyone who comes so that they can get proper jobs, children's education, health checks and awareness talks, they go out into provinces and villages and plant and equip churches, provide health checks, equip the villagers with skills like weaving so they can make a living , and the list goes on. Steve was very excited because these were avenues which he could send more missionaries to! There were still more villages to reach out to - on the big map of Cambodia that they have. They are also making plans to go into Laos! We had lunch with Pastor Jesse ( i tink he's american?) and Paul introduced him to Steve and they exchanged contacts and testimonies (we just sat there and eat hahaha, we small fry!) we headed over to Bykota house again! :D We had a birthday celebration for the december babies and we enjoyed homebaked cake. Then, Paul and Steve ministered to the Benz family and the visitors that came, while we do our last lesson with the kids -trusting and obeying God! :D We ended rather early, and the kids were rather sad that we were leavin the next day, so i asked them to pray for us before we go back :) then we played with the kids and i gave each of the kids a sad departure hug T-T and then some of us went back to clean up becos we're going to eat at a nice mediterrean restaurant that night :D Bee the birthday boy! Mekerah the birthday girl! kids playin games! SO CUTE! Stephen and Janet teaching the lesson had a great dinner- we love that restaurant! it's got such good food, and nice rooftop atmosphere... after that we said our goodbyes and farewells... :( The Benz girls came to stay over in the girl's hotel room and we talked abit.. but we were all so tired we slept halfway. hahha :D the next day -early in the morning! we go home! Ohh..haha at the airport, i took some Khmer sculptures to prepare for Asian Art history II . HA HA HA ...some Durga thingy thingy... Labels: missions |