a.k.a ninong/nonis christian coke lover coffee lover "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " -philippians 3:12-14 Twitter SAY SAY SAY
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2d animation has to be the most painful kind of animation! have to draw everything frame by frame and redraw and redo. but on the whole, i'm quite happy with my reel la. haha. Labels: work took a full month of many OTs, replanning, restoryboarding and tests to do: music compiled by myself using loop music from About a spoon who is late for his dinner date. haha. Hope you enjoy it! In low res., tune ur music up! Labels: work Sent Junior ( pronounced as (Joo-nu-or)) and Rivaldo and their families off at the airport today. Their soccer contracts for the Geyland united team has expired, so they're going back until they get hired by another coach again.. It's been great meeting them! Fabio brought them to our prayer meeting once, and they had been with us since then! Junior came to accept Christ in that particular prayer meeting, when Paul released a word from God to Junior and he "gave his life to God since that day" (in his own words) and got baptised immediately :) We can't communicate with them really well, usually in very broken and simple english, and lots of body language (heh!) but in the few months we got to know each other, i am really blessed by their simple faith .. and by Juan, Junior's very cute little son! In the short time we had together, we watched and cheered for their soccer matches, and had talks at coffeeshops after that, fellowshipped together, prayed and worshipped together. Warm, joyous times together which i will definitely miss.. Last saturday we held a steamboat farewell dinner for othem It was a nice time :) Rivaldo and his wife were supposed to be there but he was doing soccer coaching so he couldnt go, and we prayed for them and still will be praying for them as they leave today for Brazil, bounded together by the love of Christ ... As i was thinking about the day that had just passed , and the days we spent with them, i am really thankful that in God's infinitely wise ways, He sent Junior to Singapore, and to meet Fabio, and to accept Christ and give his life to Him, and i know that he is bringing what he has experienced here back to Brazil. I'm so thankful to be a witness of this beautiful and timely miracle that God has brought about... also i'm thankful tohave known Rivaldo, that in all his ways, he tries to honor God, even when he scores his goals, the first thing he does is to lift his head to praise God... so i'm really thankful!!!! and i hope that the next time when we ever meet, that we can exchange even more good things that the Lord has done in our lives, and continue sharing our joy, love and faith. In appreciation of the handy dandy steady bom bee bee car that brings us to and fro from home to NTU everyday, we decided to have a carwash today!!! :D:D:D car washing is tiring and birdshit is disgusting! we forgot to take photos before the wash, so you just have to see the after effects! it's been a crazy semester!!! and a crazier last 2 months! 4 papers, 12,17,19,20, and 2 deadlines on 19th and 20th! but hooray it's over! on an average i was only at home once or twice a week, either staying in school or using ben's computer to complete my projects! T-T my computer dont support maya! wo de maya! i feel great. haha! will put up a post on my final projects soon, hopefully set up a new blog just for my works.. -.- dont really understand why christians will support obama- the most pro-abortion and pro-gay senator in america's history... -__- but...whatever! For as long as be could remember, Keith Green's greatest dream was to be a musical success. After be gave his life to Jesus, however, he felt the need to surrender those dreams and aspirations by laying down his music...perhaps never to perform publicly again(An Excerpt from "So you wanna be a rock star" )Are You Willing?My answer to their question is almost always the same. "Are you willing to never play music again? Are you willing to be a nothing? Are you willing to go anywhere and do anything for Christ? Are you willing to stay right where you are and let the Lord do great things through you, though no one may seem to notice at all?" They all seem to answer each of these questions with a quick "yes!" But I really doubt if they know what their answer entails. do read the full excerpt, i rather you read that than my blabbers! haha. here!----------- Born a child celebrity in music, Keith Green grew to realise that unless he denies his own music, perceptions, notions, expectations of it, he cannot do it! i feel that it is a very hard lesson for many people who have come from backgrounds which our ears have been trained to listen to the slightest errors, grown up leading music in bands, orchestras, or even, just love music totally... are we willing to deny what we hold dear to us..? Leading the worship ministry in my current church has been quite a journey so far - we were first attracted to their worship services because despite of the messy music (sometimes we even have to stop halfway because the key is all wrong! hah), the love of God was so strong, the desire to worship Him totally, being absorbed in a worship service with totally absurd music playing in the background. but it was this pure and earnest worship that brought us to tears and touched our hearts deeply.... i dont remember when, but i was given the task of handling the ministry and it probably has been around 2 years? we only 4 worship leaders, 4 guitarists(of whom 3 are worship leaders) , 1 drummer.. and we hardly have a worship schedule because all our schedules are unpredictable -.- But on that note, it has always been a great excitement on my part to see how everything always works out... How God put different messages in our hearts suitable for each time... Pastor Paul tells me the agenda for the service sometimes, but i will ask the worship leader whether he wants to know it or not, and usually, the worship leader does not end up knowing the agenda at all, but everything flows together! it's so amazing, the work that the Holy Spirit does in us... On our (irregular) meetings, we jam and dance around to happy music! and we gather and the Holy Spirit kindly puts a word in someone about worshipping, and we pray for anointing for each other and for the congregation.. i don't know how exactly to put across this in a few words... love maybe? God's precious presence! But there are some lessons which i have learnt the past few years.... best thing to do to equip ourselves is to (of course) read the Word, and other Christian literature.. do not just read "worship" books.... Unless daily, we know who we worship, how God is like, the depths of His love and grace, how glorious Jesus is, and how the Holy Spirit works in us to bring forth God's work or to convict our own hears, we cannot worship in spirit and in truth... Fear of God to know that God knows my heart, and daily He sees what i do, what i think... and that He knows whether my sacrifices are pure or not... it doesnt matter if others praise me or otherwise, what does God see when i am standing before Him? Humility I would say that to go forth do God's work in any kind of ministry without seeking God's favour, help and wisdom is pride and pure folly. our ways are foolish, right.. But work that is dependant on God never fails. "a broken spirit and a contrite heart, He will not despise" .. and perhaps a really important thing to do for worship leaders... look through your songs, not every single song is biblically correct- songs that are experiential without biblical basis will mislead our young ones in the long run.. -.- lastly, submit to God in everything we do and whatever task He bestows us and trust Him ... it is a joy! in Corinthians, Paul says that everyone has a different gift to benefit others, some as teachers, apostles, prophets , some encouragement and the list continues on...and and let it be done for the building up of the church- so for those who are not in a particular ministry, don't be discouraged because God gave us a unique role which other ppl dont not have, not forgetting to love God and love others.. okay, that's all i have to say for now, until i reach another phase....! |