a.k.a ninong/nonis christian coke lover coffee lover "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " -philippians 3:12-14 Twitter SAY SAY SAY
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some "happenings" this week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY B!!!! you are FINALLY 22, and i already on my way to 23! SLOW! :D wednesday (ben's bday) was a great day for me! i didnt remember having such a good bday by myself ahaha.. anyways, 2d animation lesson in the morning was shortened because there was a surprise guest lecturer!! that means my badly drawn animation wont be shown and i have more time to improve on it. WAHAHA! and the guest lecturer was a manga artist Iwumi Seiji from Japan! he's supposed to be famous :D he looks like a chee koh pek from Japan haha! heh , anyways his comedic and semi-pervertic, ehavior confirmed our idea of old Japanese men we see from movies and manga. haha. anyways, his sketchbooks and his drafts for publishing are very zai, i tink alot of manga drawers learnt quite abit :D and then at the end of the lesson he asked for 2 models and Hannes volunteered Calvin and me. T-T so we very -.-''' but he draw me very ideally so im very happy hahaha! and he drew Calvin upside down loh. dam zai! and he did it within 2 mins? so i am Anne-san ! that's upside down calvin in the making. finished! my tutor. haha so that was interesting enuf ! :D gave sing studies a skip for bday celebration, and we watched Wall- E! it's very nice - Pixar quality! Dinner at Shokudo at raffles city, they have very nice tepanyaki ! and the food and company was great! :D it was a great day indeed!! :) :) :) hmms, the rest of the week was......... work T-T maya is making me dizzy, have to get used to rotating in 3d... busy week! work: of which 2d and 3d are the most consuming, industrious and tiring. T=T 2d: lots of drawings to do, the infamous walk cycles that animators fear, and i'm not really done with animating my character for last week... this is what a basic walk cycle of an average joe looks like. hahah. 3d: lots of pots to model in 3d, T-T i took 3 hours to finish just one not-so-nice pot on friday T-T AAhistory: VME test of which i am having some trouble memorising all the indians names like "Vajrapani", "bhumusparsa mudra" and co. and have to prepare for written assignment and presentation soon! Shit! econs:i love econs..i do al my assignments one week in advance! hehe. and lastly, readings for singapore society! as the warcraft character will say... "work work!" update on the week later :D quite happening! a long day : 830am-1045pm T-T 2d animation is killing me -.- today the server went down again, and i couldnt upload my scans into the animation lab computer! then must manually feed the pages one by one onto the lunchbox and press frame by frame. -.- Angry! but am happy that i'm slowly liking 2d animation la... :) but this week's submission was bad, prolly have to re-touch(reDO!) up again... econs lecturer is very boring, and 3d modelling as usual, was full of action, and learning new things is so hard at this age -.- haha. just got dumped with alot of things to model! dam sian, i thought that i could finally have a relaxing week ever since school started T-T . nevermind... ! today brandon showed us Optimus prime and hand modelling. err.. i need to model my pots first T-T but he's dam cool and experienced in modelling so bo bian, i respect him! thanks ben for fetching me back! left school at 1050pm and reached home at 1125pm by car...what a blessing! :) readings done wahaha! to nua i go! one day we'll see as we've been seen and we'll soar... i've already moved my blog to wordpress... ... .but there's no tagboard in wordpress T-T ... Wordpress does seem like a good place for a more organised blog tho. tagboard or organisation??? rah. so many funny animals in the world! the Sloth! it is so slow. heh! :D but it looks like it's always smiling and it's so cute. they are horribly nua tho. the wombat looks like a giant hamster! :D this breed of wombats looks like it came out from lord of the rings... the following are funny animal videos. haha. Panda scared by another sneezing panda ( supposed to be very famous!) panda that cannot stop sneezing funny japanese owl! :D really funny! crazy workload-not-balanced-with-AUs modules this sem ! 2d drawn animation - whereby we are supposed to draw every single frame for a single animation. normally there's 24 frames in a second, or 12 frames in a second. so for just a 10 sec animation at least... do ur math T-T but i've got a good not much complaints...... just workload. i still don't understand why it is 3 AU only. animation history- 3-3.5hr of lecture/tutorial with 2 min break. -.- why dont they just extend it and give us 4 aus. anyways, last year most of our 4AU classes ended up to be around 3.5 hrs. PFFT! but my tutor is such a sweet looking and goofy lady and she screams "sugarnuts!!!!!" when something bad happens to her laptop projection . which is most of the time. heh. asian art history - apart from studying and memorising and analysing artefacts, we have to learn the respective histories of th aesian countries... it's like.... 5+1 art module to me T-T china's history is enough to kill..and the indian names look very complicated to memorise -.- i tink even 6aus are not enough . haha. and we have a visual test for this every other week -.- but my tutor is really good and detailed and it's a good thing... econs - is ok la. econs loh. taking it with ben! haha. intro to 3d production - is still my favorite so far, but i need to geekify myself. -.- and go through intensive training!!! singapore studies - so many readings to do, but they all seem to be talking about the same thing leh. this week the reading is 30pages x 2set leh. hmm, i agree with my tutor - 13 weeks is a very short period to pick up a new skill... and it's already 3 weeks down... time flies... buck up!!!!! neeways i;m sending regards and thanks to all friends for making everything easier to bear ! thanks.. Had a crazy busy week and weekend last week, not much rest before this week started..... Was determined to go to school extra extra early today to finish my 3d modelling ( 3pots only lah :D ) and print out all my notes for our alternate week art history tests and other notesy notesy stuff , and to FINISH MY 2D drawn animation. So i reached school by bus at 820am! :D and finished almost everything at 330pm heh! i was prepared to stay over tonight just to complete my 2d animation in school loh. haha. anyways, lesson ended at 1045pm so i am more tired than ultra man! but thanks Ben so much for waiting for me and driving me back -.- if not i wont be able to catch the last bus -.- very very very much appreciated :) today's 3d modelling - i catch no ball. or no sphere in 3d. T-T producing a Pixar-looking wine bottle is very troublesome, but Brandon makes it seems so easy. -.- but nonetheless i tink he is a great tutor, very cool dude, and i really liked his reel -.- finally we're under a real 3d animator after foundation year :D (majors are great!! :D ) 2d animation is kind of different - i'm not that great a drawer (haha), so i have to do alot of work and research and watch tonnes of pencil animations just to do one assignment (with much prayer also T-T ) learning to enjoy it a bit more now, even though the workload is just hard to enjoy T-T in a fatigue + hunger state .. dad bought cheng teng for me for supper, very touched T_T :D did many drafts of my first 2d drawn animation assignment today -.- it's a waste of paper!!!! i shall count the number of pieces i used later.. -.- also will take a picture of my self-made light box (cos im too lazy to travel to school to use lightbox) . Call my Einstein - or genius in short also can. HEH after a whole day of working, i understand why animators are generally cui. thank goodness i dont wanna be a 2d animator -.- "Cui"ness i embrace u!!!! ooh i was going through the motions of school so much that i forgot that Saturday was National day -.- instead of service today (we have our service on saturdays) we went to join some NUS students to do some social work at IMH for national day celebration... Jeremy and David ( americans) joined us too, but i tink the language differences were abit of a problem.. neeways... the NUS volunteers were very kind, i salute them for their kindness and generosity..they do social work there every week... we visited the male ward only.. it was nice to see the smiles on some of their depressed faces when we played the games with them.. they must be very lonely.. we were not allowed to pray or take photos inside cos it's under the governmt... so i guess it's quite a pity.. it is much easier for us to show love than for us to pray a chance for them to be delivered and healed i tink.. how. had bad insomia these few days... went to school with ben early in the morning ... 2d drawn animation is really quite a chore in the morning.. very tiring -.- could hardly keep my eyes opened... after the 3 hours... went to eat lunch with b at jurong point hehe :D then back to school to nua before SS lecture start. Boy it was so boring, and i was so tired by then -.- 'fortunately', the lecture ended at 630 instead of 730 (yay!) so i rushed down to bishan (sorry wes, lav and pris for not joining the bento dinner..) went for a really quick dinner and went down to jericho to see how Elaine's ministry was going... it was amazing... God spoke to so many different people so differently, but above everything else i knew His love was constant... so i was thankful to be there; i was very much ministered to even when i wasn't prayed for directly... it was ended at 11plus though..but even though i was tired i didnt feel tired there at was just a nice place to be... how can i thank You enough... a little girl playing happily with a present. First day of school was depressing, but not disappointing.. :D bought myself a back to school note book, went to school early, and joined pris and wes for their early dinner! (at 430pm haha) . then went to visit loo and then met lav for a short while, then met ben for dinner! was quite funny to go school with ben and eat with him, i feel like i'm in bishan. haha. neeways! today i only had one lesson - Intro to 3d production from 1930 to 2230 -.-timing dam sian! but the lesson was very cool! i learnt how to make pots in maya in the first lesson! abit brain overload, but Brandon is a good tutor! He was from Vancouver film school leh, very cool. Eng chee wore very cui today, very disgusting, look like fisherman. haha. neeways, was quite upset that the mrt terminated at AMK.. but thank God ..i tink if it didnt..i wouldn't have been able to catch any buses at all! .. caught 74 at 12am and it stopped right before the traffic light i was on .. heh! :D Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really dont feel good walking long distances home alone at night.. so i am very thankful.. thanks ben for talking to me on the phone and thanks to my mama for picking me up from the bus stop! so tired! should go bathe soon! plans to stay overnight in school on mondays.. and still planning to be anti-social! social circle in class includes dx, nathan, engchee and his fren! group 5 forever :( 我的Maya! lols. D.a. carson's bible exposition on the revelations ended on thursday night..3 day thingy... really thankful for such a great teacher to come my path... quite a paradigm shift in thinking.. He explained alot on Hebrew metaphors and symbolism also... was also a nice time with Cynthia! hahah :D we seem to be on the same frequency! yesterday a lady named Elaine from Philippines came, she has a prophetic ministry, but i feel like it's very special...she prays for people with so much passion and she is so humble also..but she is a very interesting character, one of the first female ministers we've seen... she went to the Gospel for the blind last week..and a wheelchair-bound person walked and danced! :) and the prophecies were so true for everyone also..thank God...she'll be ministering for prayer meeting at jericho this coming wednesday night again before she leaves if you're interested please come... yeap, lazed abit today (lack of sleep!) and am waiting for audrey to come for tuition now haha. It's been a great holiday, i thank God for everything that He's opened my eyes to see and hear (His teachings), allowed my hands to touch (Cambodia), and the love and fellowship that He's allowed me to be in.... (the brazilians, Pastor Elijah, Debra and Elaine and her sister, d.a. carson the americans missionaries who will leaving soon and the dear cambodians.... ) . Boy it seems like a long holiday, but it was great.... thank You..please seal everything You've let me learn and don't let me be like a man who looks at the mirror and walks away... O Lord You're beautiful... |