a.k.a ninong/nonis christian coke lover coffee lover "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " -philippians 3:12-14 Twitter SAY SAY SAY
NOW PLAYING LINKS Sprouting seeds - ben & my reflections/thoughts Photoshoppers Font Shopping Web Comic i like! Utterly Cool DIY stuff! Christian Guitar Resource John Piper's Christian Resources Animation lessons Rmit a cool blog with character designs from various artists cool blog from a disney 2d animator High end 3d Animation Meat Film/animation making sketching for visualisation and communication ARCHIVES
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tiring wednesdays. Work's enough to kill and i hate wednesdays tho tuesdays are sooo much longer -.- baked pineapple tarts for my family and friends on monday .... the first recipe failed me, but the second one worked really well -.- baked from 2 to 1030pm .. -.- tuesday was bad (As usual)- classes from 9am to 730pm, which means that im out from 7 15to 915 pm T-T and 9am to 6pm today T-T *cry- long days, piles of homework, 5 hour long tutorials, long travelling time, crazy deadlines, lack of sleep..ah the complain list can go on... spent so much time on the landscape homework and tutor didnt check -.- feel cheated T-T . but drawing scenery was nice tho.. i like to take my own sweet time to draw. hahaha. 4d due tomoro.. havent touch it yet.. -.- ... need to sleep first -.- everyone in class's getting grumpy or quiet cos of the lack of sleep -.- JIAYOU!!!!!! i enjoy taking next photos of my food. :D love friday lessons! Jason's a really fun and skillful teacher i tink! :D dealing with plaster... was a fun but tedious process ... Lav, Hj and me had fun doing plaster casting hehhh! do you know that when plaster reacts with water it gives out heat??? hehhh! so it was fun even though it was 100times100times smelly... @.@ working with styrofoam was so fun also! alot of styrofoam filing, so the place sounds like it's raining, and it looks like it's snowing! very fun! and everyone had styrofoam all over! so FUNNNN!!!!!!!!!! hehh! the few of us helped wes with his 4d :D tink it'll be funky! :D so tired... My hump went fer a check up with my doctor for this lump on my hand. it's quite freaky and it's getting painful nowadays... my doc says it's called a "ganglion" . it is caused by the overusing of the wrist area, causing a buildup in the tissues in that area resulting in a bump on the wrist. Thank God it's no big deal :) waiting for the week to end today is a very embarassing day @'-'@ yisheng knows!haha ... and got down at the wrong stop on the mrt in the morning and.......... -.- thankful that the presentation went well though the delivery sucked :D nervous breakdowns -.- havent been able to control my cravings. 2 more sketches for drawing module.. pigeotto! baby-face i prefer taking my own sweet time to enjoy and absorb what i draw rather than to draw during lessons. Going bonkers quick update before i plomp off to bed. crazy tiring week, crazy load of homework and deadlines this week: 2d - photo collage, finish research and do up develoopment 3d- presentation + model + 2 study models drawing - 5 drawings that will 'surprise' her 4d- 60%- 70% to be done WAH- and of course my favorite art history presentation. -.- this time the question is so hard it's like hunting for a needle in a haystack. spent the past 2 days resting from last week, body's breakin down -.- which means.. i need to chiong again -.- evil cycle of exhaustion. at NLB researching from 2 to 5 plus 6 then dinner with the groupmates.reached home at 8pm T-T. i will never ever finish my work! T-T AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!! well on the other hand i am looking forward to destressing myself at the end of this week by baking new year goodies. pineapple tarts and kueh bulu. wait for me! friday! Dear Lord,please provide me with all that i need ... Xhausted I tink im not catching up with the pace in school T-T but i'll try la. been feelin so tired everyday i just plomp on my bed and sleep everyday -.- deadlines are killin me i tink -.- problems and problems rollin in are not helping too , but will get through, i'll pray hard! :) today's 4D class was so tiring -.- the long and tedious journey to the you&lai kopitiam was well worth it, the nasi bryani was good ;) jinping was such a photoshop guru and engchee is funny heh! drawing class at zoo yesterday was tiring, was so tired i did not go back for lecture and went home to plomp on my bed before tuition -.- but it was fun la :D you cant hide from my cam! saw many animals and animal shows... i tink the jaguar one was the BEST! heh.... there was an elephant that had a remotely similar name to me. -.-||||||||||||3 happy men class photo! the "N" pose me, jp and the giraffe giraffe looking at me and lav clio, nana and pris me and gong GETTING MAC. Latest email feed from apple... macbook air... IT'S THE FIRST TIME I AM EXCITED OVER A MACHINE! T-T watch the guided tour here must say that marketing and R&D techniques of Apple are excellent. It's driving me MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhh......... SAY CHEESE first week of school is already depressing; 3 deadlines next week, 1 assignments, 5 drawings T.T . not been in the best of health also . feelin old and tired. haha. neeways, had a nice lunch at Seoul Garden this noon, ended up with a cold and am hibernating in my nest now. On a good note, the oreo cheesecake i made on thursday turned out rather well :) will bring it to school on tuesday! :D WONDERFUL advertising side line: N's oreo cheesecake - makes you go "OH-RI-O-RI-O"! ( similar to tarzan's oyiyoyiyo) hahah :D waiting and waiting for naruto manga's new chapter to come out, but it's so constipated that it hasnt been out for 4 weeks? Hai! Need for speed OK! QUICK UPDATE! Friday pretty much spent my half of friday with Hongjin on a date - nah! haha. Met at chinatown to take photos for the 2D montage that we're supposed to do... boy was it tiring! we went around chinatown, then detoured back to a coffeeshop near my ex-workplace to eat wanton mee...then set off again! to Central-clarke quay..then to fullerton ...then to VCH...then to supreme court...then to marina bay..then to st andrews cathedral... then to cityhall mrt after we finished taking our photos. BOY WAS IT TIRING MAN. headed down to kino together to source for inspirations :D and to peek at the books HA HA . shh. we picked up silly horoscope books and laughed at how silly the predictions were heh... all that... from 11 to 5pm -.- haha... then went down to meet ben! played TD... but i was feeling dizzy tho i tink ma low blood pressure is actin up again. HA HA but nonetheless we had KFC fer dinner ! hehh! at nite ben asked... "why are you blushing?" then i went to the mirror to see that i had a sunburn from all the walking today. HA HA HA. my shoulders are itching ... gah. Saturday brought down my cheesecake for the church ppl to try! HA HA HA HA the comments are good! hahahahahah! WAHAHAHA! went kino with ben again after church to redeem vouchers..heh... must thank an old uncle for passing me money to take bus when the both of us didnt have cash on our hands -.- very very paiseh... Sunday worked on the new year card design... and then to chompchomp with Matthias, Keyou and Songlim for dinner! it's fun! matthia's ma chompchomp khaki :D hehhh ..seeing Keyou fret over a keyboard is fun :D monday went back to school to pick up our portfolio and MMI.. glad to see classmates again!!! :D time to prepare fer school! GAMBATE!!!! ooh! i'm happy that the cheesecakes are getting good comments! will be baking oreocheesecake this week! - bake through - New year's eve was spent at the baking specialty shop ..bought.... a springform pan, a sift, oven gloves, greasing brush! :D you need a springform pan to bake cheesecakes cos it works such that the sides are detachable and you can just unlatch and take out the sides of the pan after the cake is done :D had lunch at ben's, then we played tower defence and headed down to novena.. steak fer dinner! :D this place "VINES" sells nice and affordable steaks :D oop novena church.. had my first TCC drink -.- there was a fly in our butter milk... -.- (shoo fly shoo) ..then to ning's place! my 2 secondary school friends who are livin in Aussie came back fer holidays :D we had steamboat for supper and bobochacha for dessert -.- :D catching up, reminiscing old times, complained about sec school and our horrible form was fun and cosy :) we missed counting down cos we were busy eating ..didnt take other photos when the rest came cos we were busy eating HA HA. talking about countdown... 2 out of 4 boyfrens called at ard 12am -.- hahahahah!then Benjamin (chris's boyfren) called slightly after 12... mine didnt, he wished me happy new year the next day... after new year's day.. HA HA TALK ABOUT BEING LAGGY! and we concluded that boyfrens called benjamins are naturally... .like that.. hahahaha... then.. branch with ben's family on New year's day, happy to see that his grandpa is well :) had dinner at home.. :D wrapping springrolls is a pain. little asher came! :D:D:D playing with him is FUN :D hehhh... my sis-in-law's little sister whom i used to tution had a really bad fall... from the 4th floor i tink..she's been unconscious in the ICU for almost 2 weeks... received news that she is starting to respond now even though she's not conscious yet... it's good to know.. please keep her in your prayers... slept at 8am this morning reading online manga -.- woke up at 2pm to shop for my cheese cake ingredients! :D:D:D back to baking shop! :D i wonder how come they cant recognise me even though i've been there fer about 4 times in the past 3 weeks HEH! baking cheesecake is tiresome business i tink.. yea.. and have to be really cautious about the temperature; if not the cheesecake will either turn out dry, entirely watery or jiggly.. -.- i made a big mistake about the temperature but thankfully it got salvaged in time... that explains the very "crispy"layer on my cake :D but i went well ?:D can only know tomoro cos must chill it overnite :D hehh :D ooh i got the module i want! :D very very very extremely thankful and happy! :D YES! |