a.k.a ninong/nonis christian coke lover coffee lover "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " -philippians 3:12-14 Twitter SAY SAY SAY
NOW PLAYING LINKS Sprouting seeds - ben & my reflections/thoughts Photoshoppers Font Shopping Web Comic i like! Utterly Cool DIY stuff! Christian Guitar Resource John Piper's Christian Resources Animation lessons Rmit a cool blog with character designs from various artists cool blog from a disney 2d animator High end 3d Animation Meat Film/animation making sketching for visualisation and communication ARCHIVES
November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 |
thursday diarhorrea in j8 after work` -..- sorry for taking up the space! dinner with funky monkey. friday on mc cos of my diarhorrea..but we received good news in the morning! :D im an aunt! the cutest lil thing. no words needed to be said. feel my joy :) an afterward, tuition with my little angels/devils. haha. Hmm, 2 weeks worth of updating to do.... been busy! :D before i start.... warning : the following entry is not suitable for ppl who don't like the sight of food. 9Jun Tightened and changed my brace and Funkymonkey came back from Scotland! heard that it's a funky place where ppl sound like dwarfs and bunnies pop out everywhere. sounds like a happy place to me! :D got a couple of presents which i really appreciate :D church and then steamboat fer dinner :D 11Jun Lunch with gwen's always fun! :D gwen is a really nice girl from Amsterdam :D we like to eat Chinese :D This is the fried chicken in a claypot near my workplace which is really good :p yummy! happy La! 12Jun - Loves Had steamboat @ marina with our ex cell group, was really happy and had a great time catching up with everyone. it's been.... long... chong pang in marina? where's the family? :D nostalgia.. 13Jun - Shrek NN and GG left fer Gu mu sang .. watched Shrek 3 with funky. NICE! :D hurhur. moral of the story : mr charmings are bad and ogres are not always hungry. (time skip) 16Jun - Anne (not) Tan Supposed to be tanning and building sandcastles at Sentosa, but it rained the whole day i we were stuck at Vivo. Bumped into Ada in vivo . :D we shopped! heh good buys. :D aiya, walk abit then tired and must sit down and drink coffee... "you talking about me? " dinner at Marche! met Genesis there! wat's an ah beng doing there? :p 17Jun Service in the morning - ben led :p funky woke up early to prepare breakfast before service which was really nice:) thanks:) lunch with shalom ppl! jamming/sharing session for worship team... it's good to know that we have a good Head and head to follow :) 18Jun Met Sok Yin ( a primary school classmate) on the way to work on Monday, turns out that we work quite near! oh my she was my best fren in primary school, and we havent met for 8 years. how exciting :) Dinner @ Fish&co @ novena square! my favourite peri peri prawns! look at that big drink -.- "aiya too big la cannot finish" "i order you to finish the drink!" help i'm under bondage. haha. Met up with NN and GG for ice milo at j8 to catch up with them after 10days ! was fun :D how long can 3 girls talk? walked home at reached home late. yawn. TODAY-girlie nights dinner was great! Went to Seoul garden @taka. havent ate so much funky food in a long time - kimchi soup base, grilled bringal, mussels and oysters in kimchi soup, and a resultant funky green soup! hehe that's cos i've got a funky dinner partner.. GWENNIE! 'Happy Gwennie Bringal and green soup. haha. Hanged around Kino. It's been eons since i've been to the fiction section! was fun, havent immersed myself in romance/mystery stories in a long time. Ah, and i saw "to kill a mockingbird" in 3 different covers! old school book- my favourite :) not Xmas yet tho :p was fun! :) Met up with GG to lim kopi and nunu came over to nua at my place! how nice! :) there prolly should have been more stuff up, but im sleepy and there's work tomoro! o.0 so that's all and goodnite! SL hope you have a good trip with the sahara animals :D and keep safe! SUNDAY very very from 1030am to 145pm, rushed home, lunch in 60 seconds, rushed down to the mini-jazz-pop concert @jericho.. ansel's band, cecelia+janet, steve nicaud, poh leng, glenn and me on the repertoire .. nearly died singing, ended up saying smtg lame to calm myself down.. "dont worry, even though i wear braces , i dont sing metal music" ... omg.. 2 wrong chords, scared voice...need more practice and boldness :) but it was a song to warm hearts so thank God :) .. finished at 430pm, rushed down to vivo to celebrate Irene's bday! :D sushiteh for dinner, play in waddling pool on rooftop, mourned as there were no more seats for sentosa laser show, dessert at marche ! my crepe was with passion/mango ice cream and banana and choc sauce and raisin! weee! delicious....! ...hmm thanks to NICHOLAS for giving us a 50% discount! waaaaahhh...haha so happy. dont be mistaken and tink that it's a sweet photo of me and a kid. i was angry at him cos he was splashing water everywhere so i went to pretend to walk near him with big steps and splashes and he discovered it! and he chased me till i became really wet. boohoo. monday to be honest... i dont really remember... haha... AH! tuition with my ame and jon after work, (ame dood i am not a liar, joker maybe! :D) then with kenneth.. nite msn conference with wa wa and nunu! yesterday went to give out flyers after work for S.A event on saturday, then went to pasar malam to jalan jalan... clarence, nunu, adriel, matt and dave each bought a ramly burger from different stalls to see which one was better... -_________- dave dont tell good jokes...haha hahahahhaa... i tink gua mu sang one is the best la! buy me the train ticket there! 2 taiwan sausages! reached home at 1120pm? bathed, porepacked, stoned, tired, slept late. ToDAY very tired! but work was still fun though there were lotsa info to type and search.. lunch break with J @ starbucks vivo! :) tiramisu + choc java chip... :) fun :) free bouncing bodyguard. hahahahaha. too much milk, so was pukey after lunch... :| .. tuition with audrey/april... very happy for you guys for your grades :) 2 more taiwan sausages...went to look for april's legendary pancake sausage thingy but couldnt find it :( sad over the harddisk still. time for a breather- time for a porepack. very tired. YOU are in very big trouble funky monkey. You are almost 24 hours late. NOW hmmz, early evening at home, feels weird to be at home before the sunset. had to be here cos the cleaner's coming! hmm, options for the rest of the nite :
hmm maybe i'll drop by AMK hub later? but im too lazy. ok jigsaw here i come! heh, it's funny how He works, i was just lamenting yesterday about everything else, and today paul talked about Ge 28 :10-20. no high up blessing thingy, just plain struggles, finding, meeting. HAHA BENJAMIN WONG YOU MISSED IT. ORBIQUACK. :P *muahahah* LISTEN TO YOUR BAGPIPES AND USE YOUR SCOTT TISSUES! Pff. my secret and Yours to me. man down! o+< style="font-style: italic;"> Hellos world..i tink this is quite a long post i guess... (last) Saturday ahh... sentosa after nearly a year... the monorail is cool, i wonder if the inter-cart passageways are meant for humans tho. HEH. beached for less than an hour with no sun and with FULL ANTICIPATION OF ENCOUNTERING A WATER SPOUT, build sandcastles on sand, and then rain (yay) foodcourt in bikini -..- eat eat... dual-biked ...ah thanks to the swatch volleyball tournament there were alot of hunks!!!!! wooo! err.. i just realised i cant resize photos on this lappie... /cry sunday morning evangelical service, laptop broke down, mourn cos my portfolio, song recordings and10000000 photos are missing, and it was bad cos i was going to back them up later that day or a few days... tuition cancelled cos jm had her chinese o's! ...rested at home cos week was so tiring...went out fer dinner...go home and slept in the morning -..- monday ben picked me up at work and happily showed off himself right in the middle of my company's frontgate and colleagues were happily chasing me off cos "my boyfren is waiting outside" . "GOT MORE SUBTLE ONE OR NOT?! " haha. next time...hide in the bushes can? :p introduced him to Sharon and Mandy :) satisfied his craving by eating the wonderful fish noodles featured in my other blogpost in may. ..and then ...pirates of the carribean. aiya why no one tell us got scenes after the credits . /cry but we watched the 8.20 we were already @_@ when the show finished..reached home at 12am... washed up ..slept/napped.. tuesday then work again... was quite upset my pay wasnt in so i couldnt afford to get the groceries for steamboat...ate the new pizzahut special meal! it's really worth it! 4 wings, 4 cinnamon sticks, 2 pan pizza... olive didnt taste that bad after i shunned it for 8 years, crashed at ben's place cos he was going off to scotland the next afternoon...fell asleep early tho. haha. sorry.. wednesday bad sleep, so went off to work rea,lly sleepily and earlier than usual.. didnt have tuition with ame/jon cos i was feeling ill... thursday no one wanted to tan with me, so me and binu anid wawa went to vivo for crazy shopping! ah... the GSS wasnt very cheap in the end, but i did buy 3 pieces of clothes :D left house at 1215 reached home at 915. haha! jelly legs. glad yer safe in London. friday work, com kept starting up and restarting. yay. so fun. haha. nearly killed my com cos i tot it restarted and lost my work in the midst of it... haha if yer sitting in front of me you'll hear alot of "ERGGHHH!! ""argh" "aiya: "shit" "umm" .. and thanks steven for being so patient in helping me with my com ! :) dont feel very "lucky"today, (not that i believe in luck) but i did drop my gold and silver coins into a dirty hole underneath the fruit stall while purchasing fruit juice my fruit juice costs 5 bucks instead of 2.50, and it started raining on the only day i didnt bring an umbrella, and the super super long escalator up outram NEL mrt broke down. so it was a long and tiring day.. and the thought of my laptop just makes me sigh.... haha the finance room say there's smtg weird with the i made them hurry leave for home cos they always take their own time by saying ...later the toilet auto flush or tap auto-on ah! then they hurried and left ! YAY! plan worked! :p rushed down to popular to get materials to decorate Jericho for shalom's Sunday's thingy... different ppl are going to play pop tunes /jazz music from 3 pm to 4pm! all are invited la! jericho youth centre : blk 241 bishan st 22 basement :D then rushed down to s.a. worship sharing, rushed back to prepare the materials, tomyum cup noodle fer dinner......... and cheng teng! haha.. -..- relaxed myself with naruto before i embarked on listening to john piper (that is important). 4 hours of john piper, 4 hours of serious contemplating, 4 hours of realising i'm a lifetime away from perfection . perhaps it's the way that so many ppl around me are losing this race, or the things that im attracted to now that makes the finishing line look further and further away. but it's good that i'm so much more aware of it now, was too absorbed in my funland, i'll need You and you partner me on this journey though :) am exchanging cold jokes with my elder brother now. HA HA /cold. you dont wanna hear what we're saying. /cold. i dont want my mum to work so hard :( sigh. how much harder must i work so that we can make ends meet? i've been being so emo nowadays i had the urge to buy 2 black tables, racks and noticeboard. -..- tuition @ 9 am! better get ready to sleep soon... nite to You , you , you , you, you , you , you ,you (ah we get it )haha. GOODNITE |