a.k.a ninong/nonis christian coke lover coffee lover "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " -philippians 3:12-14 Twitter SAY SAY SAY
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i. am. very. very. hungry. o________0 Saturday: Morning was spent preparing my cousin's wedding, then church, then off to the wedding dinner at fullerton! nothing less u expect from a doctor -..- . the sheer extravagance of it. Cocktail was served at the rooftop garden, very classy, very elegant. Didnt manage to take any photos of the dinner itself but it was great. lol. Sunday: Tuition @jiamin's then madrush down to Simei for dear Joleen's 21st Bday! :D New addition to our family! Weida, hope i didnt get it wrong! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! * applaus* He is the ...... mysterious boyfren of Wenting! :D i need to dig out more info. wenting, wensi, esther the 8 of us. Me, Andrew, Si. Nice new hair dood, very korean ! :D Daniel Loke- new image, very funky! Dear Jo, You are still one of the worst multitaskers i know, but yer one of the best friends i have. Have a great birthday and may everything that come yer way bring you joy and happiness everyday. :) Sincerely, Lurong. Special Edition : Chinese Weddin-food edition! When it comes to the marriage of a Chinese, no doubt are there many traditions to follow- even food wise! :D Firstly, the Tang yuans ( glutinous rice balls): They generally symbolise a blissful and wholesome marriage. Handmade from glutinous rice flour, warm water and a little red coloring, these bola-bolas are made with such effort that each one has to be round and crackless i.e. they must be PERFECT (perfectly made by me that is. haha. ) Cooking it is easy, just drop the bolas into fer a boil and when they float to the surface, they're done! Cool in tap water to remove extra starch so they dont stick together, or puff up easily. Next up! Preparing the sweet soup. The soup base for this tangyuans are used fer many purposes in a marriage- as the soup base for the tangyuans, as the tea for the tea ceremony and as the soup base for the meesua that the bride/groom have to consume. It is made with manymany err...things (there are 6 of them) , e.g. the little lotus thingys( that the couple will always be commited to each other), red dates, dried golden mandarin oranges, ah...i dont noe what the rest of them are called. i tink rock sugar is one of em, hehheh. it must be sweet- that's the criteria! Sweeet soup. Sweet. After this, the soup is filtered into a tea pot for the tea ceremony, while some of it is left for the tangyuan and meesua. Traditional tea pot set Last but not least; we have the Meesua coming up! the meesua is eaten by the couple to signify a long-lasting and blissful marriage; it does not have to be fully finished by the couple, but they must make sure they do the following : pull the strands of the meesua really high, and break the yoke of the hard boiled eggs. This is how it's prepared: Prepare boiled eggs - the trick to perfect looking boiled eggs is in adding salt to the eggs while they're boiling in the water! This way, the egg shells do not stick to the egg at all. Then place it in a small pot containing some of the soup base for the tang yuan. Cook some meesua in hot water, and serve it together. Simple as that! Pretty eggs Finished product, consumed by the couple. Well these are the traditional foods are are served for the bride/groom in a wedding. In the event whereby the parties involved are wealthy, there are even suckling pigs! my cousin is a doctor, so it explains that pig resting below : superpig. the truth revealed. Eeyer , i felt cheated that underneath the red cape, there's no meat! just a pail and some important traditional stuff. boohoo. serving the meat. yea, that's all for this special edition! hope u had fun readin this! :D Thursday - Fish Anne Co. Ate lunch with Gwenni! It was fun!!!!! :D good food+ good company = BAGUS! :D Gwen's a really nice lady from my workplace; i like her alot :D Bw picked me up after work - to eat a very nice sliced fish beehoon soup in chinatown! it's a must try! WOHO! Doesn't it look good? Now you see it Now you dont see the inside of it. A very satisfied man. While the eyes of bw were fixed on the old granny making the food, i was trying to convince him that the secret to this good stuff is not "ancient secrets" as he says it is, nor does the cool looking pot make a great difference , it's prolly good hours of boiling fish soup from fish bones :D HEHHEH. guys know nuts. There;s this roof top garden on the overhead bridge from chinatown mrt to pearl's centre which has really nice scenery at night :D onward to chinatown to get some stuff! :D Bought a 3-buck 1000pcs precious moments jigsaw puzzle which says : "i believe in miracles", and a frame that costs 9.80. How can it be??? haha i hope it doesnt piece out "i believe it barnacles" when it's done. lol . :D nvm, i believe in miracles. :D That's chinatown fer you! :D Tuesday - iBrow Biru finds it amusin that a person who is not scared of injections, extraction of teeth, braces, general pain, and etc. cries when she approaches the beauty parlor. WHY? cos... eyebrow plucking very pain! :( ouch. ouch. ouch. ouch. ouch. feel my pain as each strand of eyebrow gets plucked ercilessly from my skin. AHHHH the horror of it. i am so sure next time if there's a war i'll recommend plucking eyebrows (apart from plucking nails which they have already done) as a punishment. i'll surrender if you do that to me. Wednesday Thai express for dinner ; it's so sad that almost all the staff in the j8 branch are gone. :( bought shoes. oh my, it's expensive :( bw why did u have to buy shoes in the first place? T_T (last Saturday) Steamboat again! This time we were careful not to buy mushrooms and too much meatballs cos we were STUFFED with them the other time... YUMYUM. but there were so much pek cai that we eat until very pek chek. HAHA. See See. Err.. the feet werent on the menu. haha. LOOK AT THAT HEAP OF PEK CAI! ( the veggie) Brace face. So that was all for Saturday nite, apart from tuitions in the mornin and service in the afternoon till evenin :D Sunday Was the only day in many many months that i got to relax, partly cos i forgot to go for a tea party which took up 4 hours on my organiser, so it was good, rest is good. bible study : 1John- my favorite letter, then more tuitions. haha. get wired up another short day @ work; half day leave to go down to nus to get my transcripts for NTU, then dental(ah braces up ) , thank Dr Cheng fer the generous $600 discount for the braces, as well as Dr Tan and uncle Vince who pushed fer the discount :). spiderman was good. mom's going for minor operation tomoro, pray n hope that everything goes well and safe for mum as well as at home... exhausted.. the deeper the cut, the greater the grace.. Thank You fer answerin prayer :) i feel like i've lost manymany litres of blood in the past weeks with the tooth extractions and the mozzies in Jericho leaving marks all over me :( A recap of the past week: Friday: work work, teeth extraction, look at ben have dinner @waffle town, drool from anaesthesia, worship prac at nite, no food fer dinner :( saturday: 2 tuitions, rushed down to AMK hub to get Songlim's present! mad rush! wrapped present in the badminton court near me house, wind strength not favorable as most of the time the wrappin paper was slappin into my face. -..- bassed and ben guitared and chyuan yi drummed :D heehee :D great job CY! :D after service was time to test out the mini steamboat we bought ! so exciting!!!! see see! err..dont mind me.. the old school sailormoon pose. -..- ... see see see all the nice food prepared! and the MINI STEAMBOAT! ben calls it the nifty gadget. Geeky. HAHA . i call it the WAAAAAAAAAA steamboat. seee see see's just about as big as my hand ! :0 waaa...looks good! i love this little guy so much i can just eat instant noodles, mee sua, soup, ah bo ling, babababa with it! and the best thing is.... it STEAMS too! steamy! hehee :D sunday: Tuition with jiamin, audrey, dinner, then helped ame with her chem, then tuition with ken @corp.. tired :( thanks for helping me with the tuition! Monday: was just bad day, but bw came to pick me up from work to have dinner together! so sad the fish beehoon stall wasnt opened, but the roastduck charsiew was good :) and of course the mango juice sago with pomelo was excellent too! nothing like a good dessert to make one feel less down .:) Tuesday: accompanied mum for the endoscopy scan today, signs of swelling in the intestines but thank goodness there's no growth or cancer... :) tuition with audrey and april, talked with paul, did some recording and had many mozzie bites :D metal teeth tomoro and spiderman here i come! this debt of love that is owed. i heard what you said... :) dear mum, i pray and ask that God will keep you safe and sound, cos you mean so much to me. love, yer little girl. wed: long day at work..2 tuitions after that... all the best fer yer test jon... :) physics with audrey was fun, i feel like a student again ..haha.. thurs: work, we thank the charsiew man for givin us so much ingredients... thanks uncle vince fer talking to Dr Tan :) met Eugene and Selwyn after work @ Pasir Panjang! so sorry i was late...was caught up doing payment vouchers -..- it's so good to see you two again! feels like yesterday i left school! Mr LaoBan made wise choice of dishes, food was wonderful :D Thank you! thank yous fer being such great company! :D Met bw after that to go home together.. not feelin too well.. entirely exhausted.. - wat if tomoro's the last day Sunday: fever fer the 3rd day, missed counselling session cos mr dearest im-all-ears got the wrong timing ( :D ) , tuition @ jiamin, visit the doc, suspected case of dengue, mc, tuition @corp with kenneth, home... Monday: called up the dentist to see if i could arrange an appointment since it'll free alot of my days if i went down, thank God that there was a slot at 1030am, took out separators, put metal rings, pushed my luck and fever abit, called up another dentist to see if they were free, wala, 12pm, just nice.. went to hsbc to cash out 10T cheque, went off to white dental for tooth extraction; ah then i wont have to worry about squeezin the impossible 2 days for appointments... drooled alot from the anaesthesia, went back to rest the fever and body, tuition, off to bw's place to prepare dan/kat's present... today: happy wedding daniel & kat, undoubtedly the sweetest couple around.. :D have a blessed wedding and may the years and decades after this stay sweet :) guildees! :D saw WoW guildies milkee (bernice) and blackmoo (hsien loong ) :D hehheh :D way cool! packed up till 3 plus, changed, coffeebreak@coffeebean, suscribed for 1 year of "simply her" just to get the ministeamboat set, rushed to meet audrey, tuition @mac with audrey and april, off to AMK hub to get durian puff fer mum and dad, old chang kee fried prawns, green tea, nunu's place to exchange photos... exhausted... time to feed me the medicine! |