a.k.a ninong/nonis christian coke lover coffee lover "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " -philippians 3:12-14 Twitter SAY SAY SAY
NOW PLAYING LINKS Sprouting seeds - ben & my reflections/thoughts Photoshoppers Font Shopping Web Comic i like! Utterly Cool DIY stuff! Christian Guitar Resource John Piper's Christian Resources Animation lessons Rmit a cool blog with character designs from various artists cool blog from a disney 2d animator High end 3d Animation Meat Film/animation making sketching for visualisation and communication ARCHIVES
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ooh ooh ooh i forgot to update! HAPPY BELATED BDAY NINGNING! (23/3) HAPPY BELATED BDAY SHINNIE! (26/3) heehee btw, went fer shin's bday party last sat :D yer a darling :) i havent really talked to rafaela hwang in years(maybe like 6 years heehee.). nice meeting you Candy :D obsessed, possessed, watever. hello world again i am havin my food cravins!
went fer girlie nite with binu yesterday, was supposed to be dinner/pluck eyebrow day. dinner at fish and co! periperi prawns were awesome :p but i tink they were busy prawning fer the prawns (fishin fer fish) , so they took a long time to come. But they gave us complimentary fries fer makin us wait :D Go PERI! :D as usual it was DELICIOUS! heehee. shopped around, walked around, got perfume cos mine was running low (maybe cos it's adidas? ) nunu left the mrt without me im sad. haha. And of course by the time we reached bishan it was too late to pluck eyebrows. bought the new special peach formula by mr bubble tea guy (i still donno his name ) -..-. it tastes really nice :D and back home. :D HEAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOO WORLD! Selemat pagi/petang/malam! (good morning/noon/evening) back from gua mu sang, tired :D and jelly :D and darker? :D (as some ppl have kindly observed, tho i'll prolly be white tomoro, my magic blanket removes shades from me) k k! Day ONE Venue : Kranji MRT Met at Kranji mrt at 2pm, and was ready and set to go! took 170 and went to JB! caught "primeval" there. erm. i bought a set of drumlets, nuggets, and wedges and drink fer myself :D HEHHEH. it was ..boring -..- lol. got the malay dictionaries, and we were on our way to the train to gua mu sang! train coach was cool! i like sleeping in bunks with the curtains! :D really comfy! :D but going to the loo was troublesome cos the train keeps jumping up and down T_T. neeway an accident happened, someone got knocked in the head by the train, so the train was rather delayed. Day TWO VEnue: Gua Mu Sang After 11hours on the train, we reached our destination. 545am, pitch black, but the stars were really beautiful. greeted by friendly giants bugs that sound like motorcycles really-..-freaked out quite alot of us.breakfast - wanton mee, settled down at the local church, lunch, bible study, worship,dinner, prepared for youth/children programme, the actual thing itself, debrief, frantic prayers fer the next day which was gonna be really dangerous, ramly fer supper, then sleep. Day THREE Venue: Gua Mu Sang woke up early to learn Bahasa so that we'll be able to communicate with the native Orang Aslees in the jungle area(where wild boars and tigers live -..-) Wanton mee. in the end the scary thing didnt happen, but we did have fun with the kids, and me and weiting look like dodos doing the chicken dance without music -..- HA HA. lunch with them, they cook real good food, but we were in the jungle so we ate with spiders and stray dogs and bugs and leafs occasionally fall unto our plates :D prayed fer some of the villagers, and then gave out some groceries, and then went to the local river to play water :D i was tanning cos i cant get into the water. PFF. back to church, bathed, DINNER,(which was fantabulous), and then children/youth programme 2, pack, RAMLY, on the way home. COACH AGAIN! fell asleep immediately -..-. HAPPY BDAY PAUL! DAY FOUR Venue:Singapura reached woodlands around 11am, lunch at causeway point, home, tuition1 , tuition2, dinner, home. i am tired! :D (I AM TOO JELLY TO UPLOAD THE REST :D LATER! ) we are going to gua mu sang, gua mu sang, gua mu sang! dearest aaron, we'll miss you and we love yer alot <3 benjamin wong, please take care while im not around. father nu and mother nu, i'll take care of nunu :D father wa and mother wa, i'll take care of wa wa! :D i'm just left with putting shampoo and typing the chinese song! tuition with ken tomoro morning. wonder what's gonna happen.:D lift me up above it all **HOPE THAT THE NAMECARD PERSON WILL DELIVER THE NAMECARDS! ** HELLO WORLD! it's 6.20am and i slept for 1.5 hours only! BOO. been a really busy weekend. Fri: work, rushed down fer worship prac, service, talk with chee kwee (who's a really nice guy :) ), dinner, did abit of my portfolio. Saturday: woke up real late (accumulated lack of rest), meeting for gua mu sang, service, prayer walk, dinner, more portfolio business. (HAPPY BDAY TO YOU:) ) Sunday: portfolio-ed the whole day, went over to 2nd bro's house, very encouraging that he only approves of one work in my portfolio (YOU PORK! ) but he was great help nonetheless :) thank you thank you thank you :D but by 7pm i hadnt done anything on the 3min video presentation yet. omg. rushed down to bank in a check at paragon, then to cineleisure. HAPPPY 21st BDAY(in advance) YE YE! dinner was pork floss eggroll from shi lin cos i was late-..- obviously it's not enuf fer me. haha. my first Kbox in 21 years, yay, it's not too cramped and boxy - im abit claustrophobic... well i had alot of problems singing modern songs cos i neither listen to the radio nor watch tv. I DONT FEEL YOUNG ANYMORE :( fer now i only listen to some english songs, songs that biru sings everyday, and i only know songs in my secondary school days. boo hoo hoo. the confessions of a working adult. nonetheless it was fun :D rushed home,11pm, madrush to do the video. decided NOT to include my face or voice in it because ...yikes. haha it's disgusting to talking to a camera and to see yerself talk to the camera, and besides NO ONE can photoshoot me so i'l just make do :D heeehee. hopefully it's fine. Heehee. GREAT NEWS! i havent printed my tickets to gua mu sang or packed my bag or bought any neccessary stuff fer the trip. time to...FREAK OUT!!! omg omg omg. k, i must leave home in awhile to go hand in the portfolio! breakfast at coffeebean, hopefully ice-skating, hopefully music and lyrics. hopefully i dont fall asleep while walking. :D ooh, and i took leave today to submit my portfolio today! :D BOING BOING! boing boing boing. photos up tonite! p.s. should i brush my teeth and wash my face b4 i go out since i did it at 5.30am ? o.0 HELLO WORLD it's a beautiful day, i can almost hear the birds chirping :D im really really thankful fer everything that's happened.. and the people who were always there.. dearest ben : thanks fer initiating the calls fer me, i really wont know what to do without you... nunu : you're always there fer me :) i dont noe how to thank you enuf... and Mr Big Guy, thanks fer the confirmation :) i am so amazed.. please continue to help me get thru, and i really know that all this happened and worked cos of Yer... got to get my portfolio together :) *whistle :) ANNEYTHING in trouble. afternoon spent with steven nicaud, apparently i got his name wrong the first time :D sylvia was here too, and david too, he's new here :D a good time together, learning from him. ah, must learn to put them to use, if not there's no point in having all this knowledge at all... fever, bodyache. bad. how am i goona make it? tell me. I need no explanation of why me I just need confirmation Sat the day Ahh, busy busy day. :D supposed to have tuition at 11am but got cancelled, oh well it was a blessing in disguise too, got to talk to peeple online :) mission meeting, im supposed to be in charge of arts and crafts fer the kids! and worship. haha. come kids lets fold paper aeroplanes. :D it's really exciting, i remember the last time i went cambodia, i was so blessed by the kids and their innocence and laughter i couldnt really bear to leave them. NOW.. i receive news that the kids there are more havoc -..- haha.. i shall bring an armour along then :D worship prac, cell, service, membership class. Plaza Sing! lol shopped fer awhile for some shower stuff, and i saw a really nice bag at outfitters! pfffffff . temptations are hard to resist. ESPECIALLY pretty brown bags. i cant stand withstanding them. pfff :D. b was nice to get it fer me. :) and amusing it looks like the "waste wander pouch" from gadgetzan if you play w.o.w :D HEEHEE. went to eat at "fish market", ah the manhattan prawns are really good. They use a flame thingy to toast yer prawns before you. :) :D met kaiyan there.. :D neeway one of the waitresses spilled water on the floor.. it's really quite amusing(i really really tried not to laugh) but everyone repeatedly slips on that patch of water which was just beside me. -___- . "pursuit of happiness" at the cathay. HEEHEE smuggled starbucks into the GRAND cathay, i feel totally like a royalty. :D HA HA. ooh ooh ooh, there's a really cute caucasian working at starbucks@the cathay. :D heehee. and i feeling like a queen cos i got the last packet of crispy chicken from the cathay! i love crispy chicken, had craving fer it since 10000000000million yeares ago. :D im not going to tell u that it's nice cos yer all going to steal my crispy chicken from me. so im gonna say : IT TASTES HORRIBLY HORRIBLE. yikes. :D I need S-L-E-E-P. if not i'll start dozing off standing on the mrt. again. goodnite world. WOOOOH. training session with steve nicole tomoro!!!!!!!!! 1-4pm! A for Averything congrats to all the A level kids i know, im glad that He's seen you thru and im sure He'll continue to see u thru in yer selection of schools.... :) been a tiring week, work 9-6, tuitions after that, meeting up with friends, meetings. But good things do happen i guess, nunu and me will be going fer work together everyday :D and jac has been realy nice cos she's been eating lunch with me :D and the colleagues at work have been nice too :) and me wawa and nunu are going gua mu sang together :) funky funky funky.. cartoon planet has been my best company this week. thanks jin fer bringing the pendant..:) i can't see beyond this place. take me away to the better place please please please. Why can't happiness find its way to you.... hear it crack. |