a.k.a ninong/nonis christian coke lover coffee lover "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. " -philippians 3:12-14 Twitter ![]() SAY SAY SAY
NOW PLAYING LINKS Sprouting seeds - ben & my reflections/thoughts Photoshoppers Font Shopping Web Comic i like! Utterly Cool DIY stuff! Christian Guitar Resource John Piper's Christian Resources Animation lessons Rmit a cool blog with character designs from various artists cool blog from a disney 2d animator High end 3d Animation Meat Film/animation making sketching for visualisation and communication ARCHIVES
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SCHOOBEEEEDOOWA! ah,tired! woke up sleepy, 2 cups of nice frothy coffee freshly grinded from real coffeebeans. didnt add sugar cos the bitterness has a higher chance of waking me up! caught sam on MSN! yay! a tiring day at work, lotsa admin stuff to look at, and photocopying to do. i dont like photocopying flimsy paper, they dont turn out pretty :( network down, so couldnt receive or send out mails, so sad. lunch with ame and tam was great!!! :D too bad nunu wasn't here, if not we'll be complete! AH i need to sleep more, there's no color on my face. ![]() neeway it's a great cool day! the company i'm working for has 2 buildings - the finance and businessy building and the gaming department at another building. AND I WENT TO THE GAMING DEPARTMENT TODAY!!!WAYWAYWAYWAYWAYWAYWAYWAY COOL! each person has at least 2 19" LCDs in front of them! ya! and all of them are guys! and they come from all kinds of countries- the koreans talk like han from "fast and furious tokyo drift" ! got china ppl, as well as other ang mohs who are very cool. HAHA! THERE IS A COMPUTER THAT IS NOT USED AND IT IS CALLED LEEROY. HAHAHAHA. ONLY WOW PLAYERS WILL GET THIS I TINK. ya..and it's so cool cos everyone was doing something, either programming or designing parts of a person- face, legs or hands in 3D! wow it's so so cool. yea, crystal jade for dinner. nice and relaxing, followed by a nice walk home with bo. the wind was nice :D yea! jon joining tuition tomoro! we will make it happen jon!!!! together the 3 of us are undefeatable!!!! and soon to join in the force, HANSEL my best fren!! :D YAY! k, i'm going to plop soon nite everyone! the wind reminds me of You dweeeee first day of work: tiring tiring tiring. prolly not used to waking up early, was sleepy through the day. people at work are really nice and outgoing which is great.. :D workload was rather big for a first day, ah, tomoro's gonna be worse- payroll... -..- i have never ever ever done that before. goota pray extra hard! :D but all in all i shant complain because it's a great working place- i get frothy coffee grinded from real coffee beans, coke, sprite, apple tea, lemon tea, coke light and that's just the cold drinks. :D a colleague brought cheesecake that his friend made, for the first time in my life i actuali made the effort to accept a treat from someone i dont know. i dont know why haha-..- i tink it breaks the ice? :D yea, it was nice, but huge-.- heh. yea they say i look young!-19 - wat a compliment :D but i'm 21 this year :( tammy was a darling, didnt get to meet her for lunch today, but she picked me up from work today! :D heehee. she likes my curly wurlies, i hate them. :D THANK YOU TAMMY!<3> met bobo for dinner. you are late and short! :D was too full from the cheese cake to finish my food, shopped awhile and then walked home from j8. the wind was so nice :D a 2hour nap cos i was real tired, woke up with a really really bad tummyache(very highly likely cos of the cheesecake..i'm lactose intolerant -..- and soreeyes(must be the peanut crispy pancake i ate).. sigh i hope it goes away. hurts like pirates of the carribean. ah i dont noe, that sounded nice. haha. or hurts like apocalypto. w/e.... thanks uncle vince, nunu and bobo for asking me about my first day :D lunch with tammy tomoro! :D don't think i'll be able to game during weekdays. thank You for everything :) WOOOO! gatherings this weekend! Saturday: tuition with jiamin, then went over to chat with ning. omg, when 2 ladies get chatting, time flies, rushed to new AMK HUB's ntuc xtra to get ingredients for lunch for bobo. OH MY! NTUC XTRA IS BIGGER THAN CARREFOUR I TINK. got lost in the complex despite my great navigation skills. so sad. Neeway lunch was great, thanks to you. and then we were on our way to steamboat with the shalom folks! an outreach steamboat to the new china students from Singapore Poly. Thanks for the company-everyone, it was great :D i tink He's touching their lives. :D may be seeing them again this New year! for those who are not going back to china la... :D i'm impressed that i can start a conversation with a china guy with World of Warcraft! haha, didnt know they have a server for themselves.bobo you impress me. :D HEEHEE. WOW! service in the morning, a whole new perspective of Gen 32. thanks :D. plopped and napped and rushed to meet ning and shin to buy food for our gathering haha. we were SECONDARY THREE classmates. that means we've known each other for 6 years. :D it was great! :D a lot of past memories that were brought back, prolly a lot of inside information as well as future plans and past grudges. haha, which i shall not expose. :D neeway if you're wondering, i'm from an all girl's secondary school, st nicholas, so it figures why our conversation is .. haha -__- :D THANK YOU ZHIQI FOR DRIVING ME HOME AND THANK YOU SHIN'S BOYFREN FOR DRIVING US THERE! :D AH! I LEFT BEFORE THE WATERMELON WAS CUT! NO MELON! :O ![]() ah, had to leave earlier because i need to prepare for 1st day of work, i hope i dont get nervous attacks. ah! need to sleep early, need to sleep early . :o hopefully i can sleep early. prolly no wow tonite, got to sleep got to sleep got to tel myself to sleep! :O i'm panicking! breakthrough in knowing Love. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHERMIN! MY BIRTHDAY WISH FOR YOU IS THAT WE WONT HAVE SMELLY SHIRTS! :D <3 ooh, semi-busy day today, i wonder why time flew.i woke up at 11am cos of the lack of sleep i had the past few days, so i couldnt really catch sam. so sad! :( nuaed till 4 and took a nap cos my eye was sore again. dearest danielle, i'm so happy that you're coming over from cambodia for feb! :D me and weiting are really excited! worship prac@ 615 and cell till 1120 pm :D didnt lunch and no dinner till 1130pm! :o thanks for the chocolates, gummy sweets and coke! :D gastric's prolly coming back. i need some more coke. last supper I thank God everytime i remember you.In all my prayers for all of you, i always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phi1:3-6 to my dear cell, you're great. it's been great to hear about your lives and to share about mine with you. hmm, prolly said what i needed to say in cell already! :D continue to grow in love and in Him:D <3 size="+0">steamboat tomoro! YAY! time flies. me and daniel was talking yesterday and i was telling him do you know i'm 21 this year? he was like "huh, so fast. i still remember you when u just came. you were 15. " HEH! 6 years! and i remember fabian was like sec one or two, now he's sec 4! omgomgomg . and i remember that i have liked and am still liking this guy for 6 years too. -..-.HAHA omg, time flies. when you start being nostalgic about part of your past , you remember the rest of the past.haha. He leaves His fingerprints on the people around us, i know He exists because of all this beautiful people He has brought to me all these years, and His love has reached me through them. end of cell leading, end of worship leading. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us. 1 john:4:12 All the best to everyone. :D i'll miss you all :) CRUMBLE! i am having a very bad craving for violet crumble. this guy below: ![]() wow, what a great photo, looks as if i can pick it up from the screen. googled for the image and this was wat i found! : in the same year, Hoadley produced his first chocolate assortment and packed them in a purple box decorated with violets. The packaging was in tribute to his wife's favorite colour (purple) and favorite flower (violets). Within the box assortment was a piece of honeycomb that became so popular that Hoadley decided to produce an individual honeycomb bar. This proved trickier than first thought, because as the pieces of honeycomb cooled, they absorbed moisture and started sticking together. This hygroscopic nature of honeycomb led Hoadley to eventually dip his bars in chocolate, to keep the honeycomb dry and crunchy. Thus, in 1913, the Violet Crumble bar was created. Hoadley wanted to call his new bar just Crumble, but learned that it was an unprotectable name. He thought of his wife (Susannah Ann née Barrett) and her favorite flower, the violet, and registered the name Violet Crumble, using a purple wrapper with a small flower logo. It was an instant success. now i wonder wat's the story behind coke! k, gonna make a trip down to get my choc and coke. singaporeans need 5 cs - cash, credit card, condominium, career and ..w/e i forgot.. for now i need my 3 cs : cavalis, crumble chocolate, coke. :( they didnt sell it, snickers almond then. boog. bored :S it's over! :D a night of bad sleep, i think i'm only person that loses sleep over interviews -__-. now i'm too happy to sleep well :D yea, the irony in me is a good check that i am female. had a hard time haunting for the place, if it's a quest i'm sure i'll get alot of exp. :D went almost one hour earlier -..-, paced outside the building, sat down on the ledge at the carpark, froze in anxiety. -..- . -dearest sam, i kept my posture well, but my toes and feet were fidgeting cos i was nervous. :D -dearest bobo, i think u were on duty! heh, but thanks for encouraging me too! :D -dearest nunu, i dont know what i will be without you to encourage me before the interview :D haha. i'm thankful that everything went rather well. i'll be working as admin at 10tacle, a gaming studio . i tink it's cool! job scope's really big, but i'll try hard :D starting work next week!!!!!! my workplace! thanks uncle vincent and alex for the job! :D yay, now i'll have enuf money to extract my horrible milk teeth that always gets infected and put on braces. :D YAY! YAY YAY! no more bad gums! :D went on to raffles exchange to meet nunu who was busy yawning! :D i love seeing nunu! :D despite the slackiness of her job, she actuali went through alot of trouble handling customers. NU! i'm always behind you! tammy came soon afterward, YAY! we work near each other! i am so happy! 2 mos hamburgers and large ice milk tea for dinner. :DD tammy loves my frizzies. :D but i dont. D: heehee. tuition with audrey, my silly student :D heh! no bobo today :( sometimes decisions are tough, but once you know why you make them, and you look towards the future, yea, it's worth it. you're worth it :D YES YOU! Your love is extravagant. :o NIGHTMARE! that left me angry/sad/scared. :o must be the things i'm watching recently. (after the monsoon season came the nightmare season, go away.) tuition marathon today, 4 30 to 930 straight. thankful that i have great students, so 5 hours passed quickly. personal reminder: i must remember the lunch appointment, forgot yesterday:( [i read my blog more frequent than my organiser. -..-] interview at 4pm later, (the buttons on my long sleeves dropped,shows how many times i've worn the shirt to interviews), then tuition with audrey again!:) but wooo, no time for bobo again. :( steamboat with shalom ppl on sat, steamboat with st nicks ppl on sun. YAY i love steamboat! dinged, 56 now, can anyone tell me whether i should spec enhancement or elemental. ah. anyone wants to wrap BC in a red packet for me for chinese new year? i miss many people and i'm probably getting (sad to say) chu deprime over all these things and matters going on. prolly can't bear leaving . remember the breakthrough; keep in the light. hoog. p.s. i'm sorry the song is emo, it means food to me, it's important :) to the wonderful you : the only guy that doesn't mind my stoopid, unfeminine, silly, cranky behaviors, my messiness, rashfulness, bluntness, clumsiness, poverty, rowdiness, low self esteem, hunger, hyperactivity and i can just go on( i have one good point! great jokes! ). you're great, i can't find someone who accepts me more than you do ( apart from Him haha ) even though i always say you're grumpy, unsociable, short and fat,( don't laugh :D )you're better than what i can and able to describe you as. it's prolly beyond words. (i want to use a string of symbols and numbers to illustrate this but i know it'll look just wrong, so i'll use sounds. haha. ) i hope this makes you happy. :D you're really GREAT! :D "bebobobbeebeeba! e honda! " 524767245!#$^@&^&&*&^$&!#$;*$&@*&7486979. :o ..hmm looks bad. my hypothesis is correct. sounds are good enough ." are u grinning? HEH :D < / test > BOBOCHACHA! BARRRRHHH.. sore sore sore sore sore eye yet again. maybe i'm allergic to oxygen or nitrogen that's why my eyes are so frequently sore. :( sigh. actuali im allergic to peanut, chicken, seafood and soya products. but i love prawns, sotong, chicken, chicken chicken. how sad. :o spent a great morning [or night] with a great friend melon(melon looks like this ->O )-..- hope u liked the present. lol. let mr boyfen listen to it after i sent it to you( at nite) he says it could have been better. See see see. *shakes head* he's cavalis. u can /slap him. :D gamed abit, eyes dont really like me gaming in my sore state. bean. i have a wonderful staff. tuition tuition tuition. HELLO! kindly please tell/call/sms me that you have tests immediately when your teacher tells you so that you dont forget :( makes me very gan jiong. this applies to every single one of my students! HAHA :D Due to our economic status ( income cannot meet expenditure, and the high transport cost in singapore) i met my nunu on my walk to J8. HEE. <3> i think the duck noodles at kim san leng is better than the rice. :D barley and lim juice they sell there is real good. HEYHEYHEY THE CRISPY PEANUT PANCAKE AT JOLLIBEAN IS JOLLI CRISPY AND GOOD! AND CHEAP :D GO TRY!!! saw ben's army fren today at j8 too! IT'S A FRIENDLY DAY!!!! friends are great :D OOH i hope i get the job! :D :D what a pretty night. N'S ALL NATURAL-CURE FOR SORE/DRY EYES ah, of course i'm experienced with dry eyes. born with naturally sensitive eyes. lol. too much medicated eyedrops is bad for you, my doctor says that it causes cataract; but of course the normal non-medicated ones are fine. heh! but i prefer using all natural methods cos i have dry eyes so frequently. lol. k, i'm really not joking [ no sarcasm] natural remedy #1 k, i like to cook spaghetti when i have sore eyes. Cutting the big white onions is really a great way of stimulating your tear glands. :D me eyes always feel better after that if they are dry. :D natural remedy #2 i drink spicy soup when i'm having dry or sore eyes and flu. i especially like thai express's tom yum soup. very spicy. lol. works well, it's so hot that your eyes tear naturally and your nose gets unblocked immediately :D. lol that's why i drank tom yum today! YAY! may sound silly, but they really work for me :D hope it works for you too! remember too much medication is BAD. a bottle of coke a day keeps the sadness away :D sore sore sore sore eye today, no mood to do strenous thing like gaming-..- but i did add some stuff to the blog. lol. got my coke and "mars" bar to keep me company for the afternoon. waiting for the ice cubes to form to relieve the sore in my eye. nunu taught me that ! :D wonder if it contracts the eye. heh. tink it'll take long! i tink my fridge is almost as old as me. lol. :D fridges are great; they always have food inside them, but they dont grow fat. :D k i'll think of some corny room jokes. what do you call a pile of mush in a room? MUSHROOM haha. abit too obvious. oops. what sound do you make when Vendetta is in another room? VROOM. (v- for vendetta) Haha. I AM SO FUNNY! :D any one wants to hire me to be their full-time joker? :D i only ask for $10/hour. HA HA. great jokes, satisfaction guaranteed. money back guarantee. no free trial. scary 21. p.s how come there's a "free online games" pop-up on my blog -..- they know that i'm a gamer?! oh no :o or maybe it's some COOKIES i ate. haha. [ k i tink non-computing ppl wont understand that but nvm :D] go away popups. sink down! CHOOCOLITOO flu bug is back for more . red-nosed reindeer season is back. watched apocalypto last nite, wasn't as bad as i thought. directing was rather good, just gory and gruesome. but it's really not that bad of a show i guess, tho i still prefer comedies. lol. reading subtitles is rather tiring. i wonder if they know what they're saying lol. billy bombers [at the cathay] was great. i tot it'll cost a bomb but it didnt! :D food and service was great :D took lots of silly photos -..- if i feel drowsy enough maybe i'll post them up. [ i'm sorry i like to take photos of food. i am really in love with food. and they look nice with or without flash.] i cant believe i forgot to take the ice cream :( ya, pretty nice saturday :D sunday - fever! in the morning in all thru the nite (it's a song rite? ) gaming. gaming. gaming. bored :( i'm thankful that i dont have a job yet cos i'll prolly take the whole month off just for medical leave. thanks :D im drowsy. the following image may be disturbing: (dont laugh or frown) purely for entertainment purposes. BREAKTHROUGH! You lifted me! yea, no selfish ambition. ADIOS! ah, tiring day. noontime maid for bobo, cooked steak and mango salad. wowed, quick take-away dinner from mos burger. took a long walk to corp from j8 by myself . i like walking by myself, gives me a good time to think over stuff :D. youth service, [welcome back dezmand! don't worry ur new hair is nice :) ] then went to drink ice milo with nunu! whenever we're together, we laugh like we've never laughed before. :D saw bubble tea boy, liang shin and mr neighbour consecutively in 10min! :D haha! i know so many ppl! :D yea, i'm rather bored. flu coming back again :o ah. the older you are, the weaker u become. haha canada does sound nice. someday! (right bobo?) :D MUM IS MAKING YAM PASTE TOMORO! AME YEO IF YOU'RE HERE I'M SURE YOU'LL BE OVERJOYED! :D LIKE ME! :D eating bombs at billy bombers and watching apocalypto tomoro. apocalypto looks scary and gory. :o how now? i dont really know what to do. WEEEEEEEEEEE! i like my new skin. prolly the nicest i've done so far -..-. HEH WEE! k, just uploaded the thaiexpress photos. ning, jin, shin! click HERE to download! :D Walakaba! woohoo. didnt really spend the day gaming today, no company to game with. except for an alliance guy who teamed up with me to kill furblogs. haha furBLOG. communication was hard, but it was fun. got back to photoshopping, did some tutorials is what i did! :D really looks like a drawing rite :D HEH. ![]() tuition with audrey was wonderful as predicted, what a tuition that was 2 hours felt like 15 mins. heh! :D maybe i should change my blogskin. so boring. dont be stressed! all the best! :D :D she is running a thousand miles an hour, in the wrong direction. does anybody hear her? do i? BOH ![]() Ah, anyone knows how to speak espanol? :( i really really like this anime karekano, but the only version available on youtube now in in espanol. how sad. that means i must go purchase the vcds. Crocodevadro ahh, my eyes hurt. they've been sore for almost a week :o they've been the cause of my sleepiness, grumpiness and moodiness. bah. bah black sheep. maybe i should stop eating chicken and peanuts cos my eyes are allergic towards them. bah. bah black sheep. but fried chicken, and peanut tutu kueh are irresistible. :( AH WAT A DILEMMA! o.0 ![]() tuition'o7 with jon ame and ken was wonderful. it's just like the old days, jon drawing his ang kong, ame spinning around, me begging for their attention :D i love my job :D sincerely :D yea, i'm a gamer ken :D. tuition with audrey tomoro! cant wait to see her too! :D melon, are u still juicy? :D [i hope u realise that i've put in the effort to make this sentence look watermelon-ish. haha.] P.S i want to name my new character "cha cha". ANY TAKERS FOR "bo bo" ? then we can be bobo chacha. it'll be really cool! :D [happy #40 you! :D you're a gift. <3] ![]() did i mention that the fried fish soup at j8's foodcourt is wonderful? try it! :D what i know i must not do, i cant stop from doing. but wat i am supposed to do, i dont seem to be doing. what an "ARGH!!!" person i am! make my life a prayer to You. DOH DOH KOMODO ah it's a cold and tiring day. went to suntec for BC launch; gosh there are like thousands of ppl there? tanned while queuing for BC . the queue was so long it extended to the outside of suntec -..- maybe i should have brought along sunglasses, a picnic basket, beach umbrella and sun tan oil. rushed back for tuition, then back to suntec with bobo daniel and kat! :D YAY got to spin the wheel! and i won a ................................................ postcard. boo. i would have loved the questgiver cap tho. but it's better than nothing! :D dinner at an old old place :D im feeling the blues! blue's clues blue's clues. where's everybody? heh happy #4568795867 (lol happy #40)bo. yea, still want to grow ol with u. :) the more i try to be who i tink i shd be - the more i fail terribly. IM BLOGGING IN THE RAIN for some environmental/climatic/ecological/tidal/atmospheric reasons, the rain is not stopping :( can the monSOON leave SOON please... the rain is making me cold, and it is especailly hard to bathe in the cold when i dont have a heater :( every bath is sensational and uplifting. i tink my furniture hates the rain, they are turning green. actuali they're growing mould :( sighsighsigh. caught pan's labyrinth today. pretty bloody, pretty dark show. i prolly didnt really like it, it left me quite depressed. :( i tink all shows should be pure comedies like dude wheres my car or romance comedies where the leads live happily ever after. the coldness is inducing me to eat more; there goes my allowance :( byebye.. :( does superman maintain the same hair in the rain? does the human torch light up in the rain? does king kong live up on the building in the rain? does wonderwoman wonder why it rains? is rain the root word of brain drain grain strain sprain ? aching bones and muscles cos of the rain.. and of course,endless must be getting old. the laundry is taking forever to dry :( maybe i should fry them. humility and patience YAWNOOOOOOOOO wat a tiring day; bad sleep last nite, packed activities today...ah.. lunch with jin, shin, and ning was wonderful. it's amazing how we can still keep in contact with each other even after like 5 years and with the fact that 2 of them have been studying there ever since we turned..17? lol. time flies, but good things do last. so it's quite beautiful :D lunch at thai express. Geez, we ordered 2 bowls of tom yam, 2 plate of prawn fritters, 1 pineapple rice, 1 softshellcrab glass noodle, 1 rice, beef noodle, 1 mango salad, 1 pat thai, 1 tom yam noodles. total bill nearly rounded up to 100 bucks . :0 haha :D ice milk tea at mos burger never fails to satisfy me... :D then a bottle of coke a day drives my sadness away. more gaming, then home, then to the market with binu to buy BUBBLE TEA and chicken wings! it's cold, so i should eat more. :D toilet rolls are fun to play with, u can use them like steering wheels. stubborn red marks on my nose refuse to disappear because of the flu. sigh. red marks on my nose means.. my nose failed :( Before i end the post, i must say that i am SAD. my favourite "i love egg" keychain is spoilt :( [neeway iloveegg is an excellently cute flash animation. click HERE for the link. under "animations" in the home page] one bunny ear dropped off/ broke unexpectedly :(. so much for a new year. (New ear?) You still alive? /mourn :( :( im feeling the blues. BURNING CRUSADE WOAH!!!! i shall start my 36983469760872650913468-426782586 word essay now. i was happily doing my quests in searing gorge, and suddenly, poof! a stone fell and an inferno came. what followed was a blast of fire, and highlord kruul started yelling. within minutes, nonis was dead. upon ressurection, there were even more monsters - inferno hounds, that look ugly. charsiew called them hotdogs. then a group of around 40 alliance players attempted to kill them. and highlord kruul recited their names one by one . reported by: nonis the brave. nonis was busy taking screenshots and dying. ![]() ![]() ![]() PUMPUMDEEPUMKEDUM!! ah, it's a boring day, but it's good that mum took leave today. HEH . she went to the market and bought alot of interesting stuff. LOOK AT THIS!!! IT IS A PUMPKIN THAT IS AS SMALL AS MY HANDPHONE! -__-'' HEH so cute. other than that she bought really small yams and a small pineapple. lol. :DDDDD it's is a pumpkin, not a melon. printed tons of photos to put on my noticeboard, i tink it looks really messy now. :o nvm i like. hmm then went to novena with B just to eat the new chicken mushroom swiss. the necklace was pretty. i tink i shall go game now. i tink i shd start lvling. ONWARD! got to wake up early tomoro. :o btw it's good to switch to the new google blogger account, the previous one was really quite... hmm. :) whootoobootoocooto! i'm happy (happy colour) cos i've got an epic (epic items are purple in world or warcraft) drop today! lol. (tok about being optimistic?) HEH ! and bought epic bracers or something for just 21g! PWYAY! it's always great to be with your best fren :D spent a great afternoon with nunu. <3> :D then dinner with ben at PEPPER LUNCH, picked up green(green tea mochi is green) tea mochi from toa payoh for nitesnack :D. aaron(aaron always wear the orange checkered shirt), i'll miss u when u go aussie! no one (absolutely no one) has the same smiles as us. :( unique, umimposable. in fact, they can prolly use my smile to identify me. i dont need an ID anymore. WHO WILL ROLL ON THE GUITAR AMPLIFIERS WITH ME???!!! WEH!!!! /mourn (feeling blue) gaming has gotten the better of me, but i seem to be getting worse at it. :/ i hope that the application for post as admin in the children's society goes well. 19th jan is closing date. Ah. happy 18th birthday [belated] clarence! (happy, striking color) sigh everyone's getting older (greying) , so am i. turning..21, not twenteen-one. not young anymore, should know what i'm supposed to do. please let me stay and rest, in Your holiness. (i dont noe how to explain this) [obviously i'm becoming more random as the days go pass] WOOT! special thanks to uncle vince for uploading the cambodia trip video on you tube! *clap* those who are interested in viewing the video, click HEREEEEEEEEEEEEE . okays, offs tos peppers lunchs i goes. omg,i'm speaking like a gamer. omg, btw, omw, otw, lol rofl. (psst i am tempted to hide the link in some small area so u guys have to hunt for it but lol nvm SURVIVOR: SINGAPURA it is hard to survive in a country with a high-living standard such as singapore. Given my overly-enormous appetite, and my meagre income, i can't make ends meet. Instead of being a breadwinner, i have been reduced to a bread-eater. tried looking for a job today, it's rather frustrating cos if i dont find a job any sooner, by the time i know it, school's gonna start. RAH. List of jobs that i'm really interested in: Crane operator Butcher supervisor Mould designer (i'll just put cut a piece of bread into stars, squares and circles and wait for them to grow mould) Course marshall(perform marshalling duties and conduct routine checks to ensure smooth golf play) Printers (i'm not an epson) Narcotics officer boo :( -____________________________________-''' okay here are the photos for chris's wedding and watchnite service- together in the same album, didnt want to go thru the work of uploading 2 separate albums :D . Hope u can see it, im new to snapfish. hope it's not too fishy to use. FISH! please tell me whether u can see it. thanks! ahh i tink it's hard for me to keep up with my blog. lol. neeway the week has past, prolly not the best week that i can have, but it's alrite, it's over :D didnt get the job at phs cos of the admin hiccups, so im unemployed again :( ahhh.. neeway, caught "death note 2" on last sunday i tink, not too bad a movie, mind boggling, but i already expected that everyone will die and that the bad guy will die also. LOL the bad guy always dies in movies, unless it's a show like southpark. lol. the day before that was chris's wedding celebration. CONGRATULATIONS! had a great time feasting, taking pictures and taking long puke-invoking bus rides. guan you, maybe u really can be a bikini model! lol. dinner at sizzler on thursday left the both of us aching in the tummy, but nevertheless, it was a delicious meal :DDDDDD. thanks laura for the sweet xmas card :DD thanks juicymelon for the epic axe -.- LOL. Yesterday was clarence's party. food was great :D me and ame were drooling over the yam paste :D HEEHEEHEE. ORNI! too bad me and nunu were having fever, so had to leave early :( thanks della and clarence's parents for the invitation :DD current state: down with flu, fever, sorethroat, diarhorrea. well it's a blessing that i didnt have the job i guess, if not i'll have to take a real long leave. k some of the photos from chris's wedding: (p.s. those who want the photos, i'm still thinking of the best possible way to share the hundreds and thousands of photos that we took. PICASA online album or burn into CD and pass ard? ) ![]() ![]() ^_^ HAHA ![]() ![]() we all have female names :D ohohoh.. i forgot about the new year watchnite service. YAY our cell prepared something really healthy :SALAD. :DD. vegetables are good for you. argh! did that happen last week? -.- should have been with the last entry i tink -____-'' losing track of my dates -..- ![]() again, there are many photos :D so ey...tell me if u want them :D HAPPY NEW YEAR (pull your ear!) hello everyone! this is the first day of 07, well this post is supposed to be here like beofre 12am in the morning, but i was too late so nevermind, here goes! it's been a year of ups and downs, prolly more downs than ups. lol like a series of unfortunate events. Im glad that the year is over, and im looking forward to this new year! Many people i wanna thank for making my 06 a lot better :D My NUS mates: mr Dave Gan: my very best friend who was always there for me through the good and bad. He's just great :D Eugene chow: another one of my best friend, who was always there to teach me and help me in my work, and was there to help me with the bad times. Casper yap , jinda and guokun: you're the best lunchtime buddies! Though im not in NUS anymore, i tink it's great to have known all of you :D must remember me hor. 9Has: this is prolly overdue, but i thank all of you for always remembering me. Though i've left the group already, i want all of you to know that you are not forgotten in my heart :D WOW guild mates: you're the best ley, i cant imagine how i'll want to play wow if you;'re not there. juicymelon aka sam: STOP SLAPPING ME!! ME SMASH MELON! YOU DIE! you're a great gaming buddy to have. N, O level tuition kids- Fefe, jon, ame, singze: It's been great teaching all of you; you're not the most hardworking bunch of students, but definitely the loveliest to me. you've added alot of life and joy into my life. All the best for your results, continue to work hard and do your best and God bless all of you. My other tuition kids- jiamin, jeannette, vacintha, audrey: Even though some of you are not with me already, i wish u all the best! it's been a pleasure being friends with all of you :D study hard ah! Ning, shin, jin and raf: thanks for remembering me! it's been like 4 years since sec 4, and im glad that we still keep in contact; sorry that im always cant make it for the gatherings, but i always think of you :D my mum still remembers all of you! Sir: you're well missed. i dont remember when you passed away, but it seemed like yesterday. i still remember u vividly, and i will still remember you. hope to see you in heaven. :D haagen dazs family - jac, huishan, lihui, ningzi, hisham, shaun, michelle, partick the starfish: it's been great to work with ppl like y'all. we've been through all the good and the bad times together, and i tink that's why we're so close. it's been good working with you all :D the paul, stephen & shalom family(or church alive ministries): i cant thank God enough for you all, how you've extended your love and grace to me, how i've found a different sort of christian life here, simple yet spiritual and meaningful. thanks for your generosity, care, concern and ..AIYA everything la! my precious cell group in SA-the healthy cell: it's been great knowing all of you all. i really really enjoy spending time with you. I pray that you will all grow in this new year, sorry if we had not done a well enuf job in grooming you all. adriel soh : you're a very good kaki to work with, i thank God for your "brudder-liness" and your love. cheryn: it's been a tough year for you, but it's been great seeing how good God has been to you. It's gonna be a tough year this year for you, remember to persevere and rest in the Lord :D kenrick:you're my joy-giver dude. im really amazed at how you've grown, and you're just great. You're the man. Fabian: you're lovely the way you are. i thank God for your joy and your enthusiasm and your eagerness. continue to be zealous for God! it's good to start young :D della: i prolly havent got a chance to know you very well this year, i think it's been a good and a bad year for you, but i thank God for bringing you to us. for the laughter , support and joy you've brought, thank you! may God bless you in your new school, enjoy it! hope it'll be great for you! dezmand: i thank God that you've joined the family, it's been great seeing how you have matured and grown within the year itself. may God bless you in the police academy( i tink it's a blessing that you're there already), and may He continue to grow you :D yp: your O's are finally over! thanks for all that you've brought to my life and to the cell, it'll be in my prayers that you go to a good school and study what you want :D rick: brudder, you've been thru so much this year, i thank God that you're strong, and that He has brought you thru all that.May this year be a better one for you, and God bless you! dora: you havent join us yet, but the space is always there for you! thank you for the hug yesterday, i hope to get to know you more and that God's love will fall upon you :D we dont noe how long we'll stay in the same cell, but you'll really have that special place within my intestines and tummy and muscles. the SA peeps: (...............................................................................................................) i cant list you out, so pretend that the dots are your heads. LOL. you've been great , thanks for the smiles, the encouragement, the hugs, the jokes, the burps, the food, the laughter, and rides, the trips. It's been great knowing all of you, may God bless you richly in this year :D charmaine, tammy, amelia yeo, melanie, joel tan, amelia soh: i dont noe why you are in this category, but i love you all :D to uncle vincent, aunty carol, alicia, grandpa wong and grandma wong: you've been great hosts, thanks for all the trips,treats, the love and the concern that you've given :D you're great :D to weiting: i tink i've known you in a greater measure last year. i thank God for that and how i've seen our relationship grow, as well as how you've grown in God. i love you alot :D to biru: you've been great. i know it's been a tough year for you, but i kmow God will see you through. thank you for always being there for me, i dont thank you for your burps cos they're very smelly. i love you alot too! to: benjamin wong thanks for being there for me. you will know best how my year went. i thank God that you are there. you're my best friend, buddy, confidante, teacher, counselor. argh it's more than words la. thank you for everything you are to me.hope to grow old with you <3 to my mum, dad, brothers: you're the best family that i can have.thank you for everything. i'm trying to be a better person :D love you! to the One who has brought all the ppl, circumstances into my life: im amazed at You. thank you for everything that You've done for me; i cant thank you enough. draw me close to You this year, i choose to follow you all my life. IS THIS A LONG ENTRY OR WHAT??! lotsa love, ninong/lurong/anne (or whatever you call me by ) |